کتاب های Ming Cheng M. Lo

Matrix Analysis Of Structural Dynamics
Franklin Y. Cheng, 2000
Analysis of Panel Data
Cheng Hsiao, 2003
A Comprehensive Guide to Chinese Medicine
Ping-Chung Leung, Charlie Changli Xue, Yung-Chi Cheng, 2003
Combinatorial Optimization in Communication Networks
Maggie Xiaoyan Cheng, Yingshu Li, Ding-Zhu Du, 2006
Image Processing Based on Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of the International Conference on PDE-Based Image Processing and Related Inverse ... 8-12, 2005 (Mathematics and Visualization)
Xue-Cheng Tai, Knut-Andreas Lie, Tony F. Chan, Stanley Osher, 2010
Minority games
Damien Challet, Matteo Marsili, Yi-Cheng Zhang, 2005
Perioperative Care in Cardiac Anesthesia and Surgery
Davy C. H., M.D. Cheng, Tirone E., M.D. David, 1999
Perioperative Care in Cardiac Anesthesia and Surgery
Davy CH Cheng, Tirone E David, 2005
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Gregory Cheng, 2012
Making Healthy Places: Designing and Building for Health, Well-being, and Sustainability
Andrew Dannenberg, Howard Frumkin, Richard Jackson, Robin Fran Abrams, Emil Malizia, Arthur Wendel, James Sallis, Rachel A. Millstein, Jordan A. Carlson, Carolyn Cannuscio, Karen Glanz, Jonathan Samet, David A. Sleet, Rebecca B. Naumann, Rose Anne Rudd, Lorraine Backer, William C. Sullivan, Chun-Yen Cheng, Caitlin Eicher, Ichiro Kawachi, Chirs S. Kochtitzky, James Krieger, David E. Jacobs, 2011
Advancement in Sensing Technology: New Developments and Practical Applications
Chia-Pang Chen, Cheng-Long Chuang, Joe-Air Jiang (auth.), Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay, Krishanthi P. Jayasundera, Anton Fuchs (eds.), 2013
Advanced engineering ceramics and composites : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 4th International Symposium on Advanced Ceramics, Osaka International Convention Center, November 14-18, 2010, Japan
Takashi Goto; Yi-Bing Cheng; Takashi Akatsu; Nihon Seramikkusu Kyōkai, 2011
ENT Board Prep: High Yield Review for the Otolaryngology In-service and Board Exams
Jeffrey Cheng M.D., Eric Berg M.D. (auth.), Fred Lin, Zara Patel (eds.), 2014
Biochips: Technology and Applications
David Dorris, Chang-gong Liu, Ramesh Ramakrishnan, Richard Shippy (auth.), Dr. Wan-Li Xing, Dr. Jing Cheng (eds.), 2003
Soils and Foundations
Cheng Liu, Jack B. Evett, 1991
Advanced Intelligent Computing Theories and Applications. With Aspects of Contemporary Intelligent Computing Techniques: Third International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2007, Qingdao, China, August 21-24, 2007. Proceedings
Yuhu Cheng, Xuesong Wang, Wei Sun (auth.), De-Shuang Huang, Laurent Heutte, Marco Loog (eds.), 2007
Global LAnd Surface Satellite (GLASS) Products: Algorithms, Validation and Analysis
Shunlin Liang, Xiaotong Zhang, Zhiqiang Xiao, Jie Cheng, Qiang Liu, Xiang Zhao (auth.), 2014
Advances in Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Volume 8, Volume 8
Cheng-Few Lee, 2001
China's Domestic Private Firms: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Management And Performance
Anne S. Tsui, Anne S. Tsui, Yanjie Bian, Leonard Cheng, 2006
Enterprise Collaboration On Demand Information Exchange for Extended Enterprises
David M. Levermore, Cheng Hsu, 2006
3d Online Multimedia and Games: Processing, Visualization and Transmission
Irene Cheng, Guido M Cortelazzo, Anup Basu, Satish K Tripathi, 2008
Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks: A Semi-tensor Product Approach
Daizhan Cheng, Hongsheng Qi, Zhiqiang Li, 2010
Analysis of Panel Data (Econometric Society Monographs)
Cheng Hsiao, 2003