کتاب های Miriam Kip (eds.)

Pediatric neuropsychology : research, theory, and practice
Miriam H. Beauchamp (editor), 2022
Ecologie della cura. Prospettive transfemministe
Maddalena Fragnito e Miriam Tola, 2021
Démanteler les frontières: Contre l’impérialisme et le colonialisme
Harsha Walia; Patrick Cadorette; Miriam Heap-Lalonde, 2015
Sharks: A Mighty Bite-Y History
Miriam Forster, Gordy Wright (illustrator), 2022
Global Garbage: Urban imaginaries of waste, excess, and abandonment
Christoph Lindner (editor), Miriam Meissner (editor), 2016
Public Policy and the Cjeus Power: Bringing Stakeholders In
Emmanuelle Mathieu; Christian Adam; Miriam Hartlapp, 2019
Rethinking the Crit: New Pedagogies in Design Education
Patrick Flynn, Maureen O'Connor, Mark Price, Miriam Dunn, 2022
Riding Jane Crow: African American Women on the American Railroad
Miriam Thaggert, 2022
Politics and Philosophy at Rome
Miriam griffin, 2018
Ecstasy:Its History And Lor
Miriam Joseph, Julian Durlacher, 2002
Nine Essays on Homer
Miriam Carlisle (editor), Olga Levaniouk (editor), 1999
Consumption and Well-Being in the Material World
Miriam Tatzel, 2013
Letting It Go
Miriam Katin, 2013
Knowing and Being in Ancient Philosophy
Daniel Bloom; Laurence Bloom; Miriam Byrd, 2022
Young People At Risk: Is Prevention Possible? (Conservation of Human Resources Studies in Health Policy)
Eli Ginzberg, Howard S Berliner, Miriam Ostow, 1988
Merciless Monarchs and Ruthless Royalty
Miriam Aronin, 2015
Seneca on Society: A Guide to De Beneficiis
Miriam T. Griffin, 2013
La Princesa Diana.: Secretos prohibidos de la realeza
Miriam Mabel Martínez, 2021
Brooklyn's Barren Island
Miriam Sicherman, 2019
II Congreso de LaS LenguaS: por el respeto a la interculturalidad por el ejercicio de la memoria. Ciudad de Buenos Aires, 18, 19, 20 y 21 de julio de 2007
Luis Romero (ed.), Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, Rodolfo Hachen, Gabina Ocampo, Bartolomé Meliá, Centro de Educación Mapuche «NORGVABAMTULEAYIÑ», Luis Montaluisa Chaquisa, Catalina Álvarez, Gonzalo Abella, Blanca Chancoso, Jhon Palmer, Celerina Sánchez, Julio García, Fabiana Nahuelquir, Miriam Gómez, Tulio Cañumil, Marta Berreta, Fernando Solanas, Víctor Tolaba, Alba Romano, Delfín Gerónimo, Felipe Pigna, Teresa Parodi, Natalia Huenan Llancaleo et al. (auts.), 2009
Film and Domestic Space: Architectures, Representations, Dispositif
Stefano Baschiera (editor), Miriam De Rosa (editor), 2020