کتاب های Mo Lin Ge (editor)

Biodiversity and Biomedicine: Our Future
Munir Ozturk (editor), Dilfuza Egamberdieva (editor), Milica Pešić (editor), 2020
Principles and Practice of Clinical Research
john I. Gallin (editor), Frederick P Ognibene (editor), Laura Lee Johnson (editor), 2017
Obstetric intensive care manual
Jr. Thomas H. Strong (editor); Thomas J. Garite (editor); Michael R. Foley (editor), 2014
Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Related Topics: Dedicated to Philippe Bénilan
Wolfgang Arendt (editor), Haim Brezis (editor), Michel Pierre (editor), 2005
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Progress in Numerical and Analytic Techniques
Christian Constanda (editor), Bardo E.J. Bodmann (editor), Haroldo F. de Campos Velho (editor), 2013
Nonlinear PDEs, Their Geometry, and Applications: Proceedings of the Wisła 18 Summer School (Tutorials, Schools, and Workshops in the Mathematical Sciences)
Radosław A. Kycia (editor), Maria Ułan (editor), Eivind Schneider (editor), 2019
The Maz’ya Anniversary Collection: Volume 1: On Maz’ya’s work in functional analysis, partial differential equations and applications (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Jürgen Rossmann (editor), Peter Takac (editor), Günther Wildenhain (editor), 2012
The Maz’ya Anniversary Collection: Volume 2: Rostock Conference on Functional Analysis, Partial Differential Equations and Applications (Operator Theory: Advances and Applications)
Jürgen Rossmann (editor), Peter Takac (editor), Günther Wildenhain (editor), 2012
The Gender of Psychology
Tamara Shefer (editor), Peace Kiguwa (editor), Floretta Boozaier (editor), 2006
The Chicago Food Encyclopedia
Carol Haddix (editor), Bruce Kraig (editor), Colleen Taylor Sen (editor), 2017
Radical Republicanism: Recovering the Tradition's Popular Heritage
Bruno Leipold (editor), Karma Nabulsi (editor), Stuart White (editor), 2020
The Strange Careers of the Jim Crow North: Segregation and Struggle outside of the South
Brian Purnell (editor), Komozi Woodard (editor), Jeanne Theoharis (editor), 2019
Current diagnosis & treatment : family medicine
Jeannette E. South-Paul (editor); (Physician) Evelyn L. Lewis (editor); Samuel C. Matheny (editor), 2020
Mathematical Modeling of Random and Deterministic Phenomena (Mathematics and Statistics)
Solym Mawaki Manou-Abi (editor), Sophie Dabo-Niang (editor), Jean-Jacques Salone (editor), 2020
Metalloids in Plants: Advances and Future Prospects
Rupesh Deshmukh (editor), Durgesh Kumar Tripathi (editor), Gea Guerriero (editor), 2020
Biphasic Chemistry and The Solvent Case
Jean-Philippe Goddard (editor), Max Malacria (editor), Cyril Ollivier (editor), 2020
Development of Mathematical Cognition: Neural Substrates and Genetic Influences
Daniel B. Berch (editor), David C. Geary (editor), Kathleen Mann Koepke (editor), 2015
Infections of the Central Nervous System: Pathology and Genetics
Fabrice Chretien (editor), Kum Thong Wong (editor), Leroy R. Sharer (editor), 2020
Core Topics in Cardiac Anaesthesia
Andrew Roscoe (editor); Joseph E. Arrowsmith (editor); Jonathan H. Mackay (editor), 2020
Early Cinema and the "National"
Richard Abel (editor), Giorgio Bertellini (editor), Rob King (editor), 2008
Atlas of Mammalian Chromosomes
Stephen J. O'Brien (editor), Alexander S. Graphodatsky (editor), Polina L. Perelman (editor), 2020
Zinc Batteries: Basics, Development and Applications
Rajender Boddula (editor), Inamuddin (editor), Abdullah M. Asiri (editor), 2020
Emerging Extended Reality Technologies for Industry 4.0: Experiences with Conception, Design, Implementation, Evaluation and Deployment
Jolanda G. Tromp (editor), Dac-Nhuong Le (editor), Chung Van Le (editor), 2020
The Foot in Diabetes (Practical Diabetes)
Andrew J. M. Boulton (editor), Gerry Rayman (editor), Dane K. Wukich (editor), 2020