کتاب های Mohammed Atiquzzaman

Advances in Information Security and Assurance: Third International Conference and Workshops, ISA 2009, Seoul, Korea, June 25-27, 2009. Proceedings
Kitae Jeong, Joongeun Choi, Yuseop Lee, Changhoon Lee, Jaechul Sung, Haeryong Park (auth.), Jong Hyuk Park, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Changhoon Lee, Tai-hoon Kim, Sang-Soo Yeo (eds.), 2009
Advances in Information Security and Assurance: Third International Conference and Workshops, ISA 2009, Seoul, Korea, June 25-27, 2009. Proceedings
Kitae Jeong, Joongeun Choi, Yuseop Lee, Changhoon Lee, Jaechul Sung, Haeryong Park (auth.), Jong Hyuk Park, Hsiao-Hwa Chen, Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Changhoon Lee, Tai-hoon Kim, Sang-Soo Yeo (eds.), 2009
2021 International Conference on Applications and Techniques in Cyber Intelligence: Applications and Techniques in Cyber Intelligence (ATCI 2021) ... Data Engineering and Communications Technol)
Jemal Abawajy (editor), Zheng Xu (editor), Mohammed Atiquzzaman (editor), Xiaolu Zhang (editor), 2021
Advances in Computing and Network Communications: Proceedings of CoCoNet 2020, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 736)
Sabu M. Thampi (editor), Erol Gelenbe (editor), Mohammed Atiquzzaman (editor), Vipin Chaudhary (editor), Kuan-Ching Li (editor), 2021