کتاب های Murray Bookchin

The Anarchist Collectives Workers’ Self-management in the Spanish Revolution 1936–1939
Sam Dolgoff, Murray Bookchin, 1974
Politics of Cosmology
Murray Bookchin, 1994-1998
Las Políticas de la ecología social: municipalismo libertario
Janet Biehl; Murray Bookchin, 2009
To Remember Spain: The Anarchist and Syndicalist Revolution of 1936
Murray Bookchin, 1994
Urbanization Without Cities: The Rise and Decline of Citizenship
Murray Bookchin, 1996
The Spanish Anarchists: The Heroic Years, 1868-1936
Murray Bookchin, 1978
1905’ten 1917’ye Rus Devrimleri
Murray Bookchin, 2011
Fransız Devriminden İkinci Enternasyonale
Murray Bookchin
Köylü İsyanlarından Fransız Devrimine
Murray Bookchin
Spartakistlerden İspanya İç Savaşı’na
Murray Bookchin
Kentsiz Kentleşme
Murray Bookchin, 1999
Özgürlügün Ekolojisi
Mustafa Kemal Coskun, Esra Eren, Murray Bookchin
Toplumsal Ekolojinin Felsefesi
Murray Bookchin
The Third Revolution
Murray Bookchin, 1998
The Third Revolution
Murray Bookchin
The Third Revolution
Murray Bookchin
The Next Revolution. Popular Assemblies and the Promise of Direct Democracy
Murray Bookchin, 2015
L’ecologia della libertà
Murray Bookchin, 2017
Anarchismo nell’età dell’abbondanza
Murray Bookchin, 1979
Democrazia diretta
Murray Bookchin, 2015
Social ecology and Communalism
Murray Bookchin, 2006
L’ecologia della libertà
Murray Bookchin, 2017
Per una società ecologica
Murray Bookchin, 1989
The philosophy of social ecology
Murray Bookchin, 1996