کتاب های N. Franke (auth.)

Orogenic Processes: Quantification and Modelling in the Variscan Belt
Franke W. (Ed), 2001
Streetwise Russian with Audio CD: Speak and Understand Everyday Russian
Jack Franke, 2010
The Big Silver Book of Russian Verbs: 555 Fully Conjugated Verbs
Jack Franke, 2004
Quantitative and Empirical Analysis of Nonlinear Dynamic Macromodels
Carl Chiarella, Reiner Franke, Peter Flaschel, 2006
Einsteins Erben
Herbert W. Franke, 1996
Managing Virtual Web Organizations in the 21st Century: Issues and Challenges
Ulrich J. Franke, 2002
A philosophy of the unsayable
Franke, 2014
Statistics of Financial Markets: An Introduction
Professor Dr. Jürgen Franke, 2008
Statistics of Financial Markets: An Introduction
Professor Dr. Jürgen Franke, 2008
Statistics of Financial Markets: An Introduction
Professor Dr. Jürgen Franke, 2004
Statistics of Financial Markets: An Introduction
Professor Dr. Jürgen Franke, 2008
The Indigenous Voice in World Politics: Since Time Immemorial
Franke Wilmer, 1993
An update algorithm for restricted random walk clusters
Markus Franke, 2007
Einfuehrung in die Statistik der Finanzmaerkte
Franke J., 2001