کتاب های N. Victor

Local Politics and National Policy: Multi-Level Conflicts in Japan and Beyond
Ken Victor Leonard Hijino, 2017
En honor a la verdad. Informe de la Comisión Permanente de Historia del Ejército del Perú
Ejército Peruano (EP), Carlos Freyre, Marco Merino, Alan Torrico, Lourdes Medina, Segundo Gálvez, María Ortega, Roberto Mendoza, Víctor Robles, Walter Martos, et al., 2010
Die Königlich Hannoversche Armee auf ihrem letzten Waffengange im Juni 1866
Victor von Diebitsch, 1897
Relatos orales Harakbut (Harákmbut/ Amarakaeri)
Yesica Patiachi, (ed.); Yesica Patiachi, Adolfo Ireyo, Dominga Maca, Enrique Sanehue, Francisco Mekerihua, Gloria Suki, Josefina Yoma, Juan Chimatani, Juan Mankehue, Luis Irisanehua, Mauro Sendey, Pablo Tayori, Patricia Ofan, Rosa Kendero, Sofía Dakpe, Víctor Huenco, Huber Tayori, Ronald Achahui (auts.), 2015
Migraciones y utopías
Enrique Bernales, Emilio Bustamante, Andrea Cabel, Harry Chávez, Pancho Guerra-García, José Güich, Patricia Guzmán, Siu Kam Wen, Alberto Medina, Pablo Paredes, Víctor Perales, Hildebrando Pérez, José Rosas, Juan Salazar, Roger Santiváñez, José Carlos Yrigoyen, Carlos Torres, Carlos Villacorta, Juan Zevallos, Josemari Recalde, Guillermo Chirinos, César Ángeles, Victoria Guerrero, Martín Guerra, Carlos Villacorta, Luis Chueca, Paolo de Lima, 2007
Studies in Applied Mathematics: A Volume Dedicated To Irving Segal
Victor Guillemin (ed.), 1983
Programul TERRAUN atentat extraterestru asupra omenirii
Toni Victor Moldovan![The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, Second Edition [2nd Ed] (Instructor's Edu Resource 1 of 2, Solution Manual, Code, Lectures) (Solutions)](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/16/1605648-n.jpg)
The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, Second Edition [2nd Ed] (Instructor's Edu Resource 1 of 2, Solution Manual, Code, Lectures) (Solutions)
Maurice Herlihy, Nir Shavit, Victor Luchangco, Michael Spear, 2020![The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, Second Edition [2nd Ed] (Instructor's Edu Resource last of 2, High-Res Figures)](http://cdn.ketabkoo.com/covers/16/1605733-n.jpg)
The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, Second Edition [2nd Ed] (Instructor's Edu Resource last of 2, High-Res Figures)
Maurice Herlihy, Nir Shavit, Victor Luchangco, Michael Spear, 2020
40 viejas y nuevas verduras para diversificar tu alimentación y nutrirte mejor
Roberto Ugás, Sara Loayza, Jaime Delgado, Gabriela Flores, David Miñano, Augusto Chang, Víctor Mendoza, José Franco, 2014
La complicada historia del pensamiento filosófico peruano: siglos XVII y XVIII. (Selección de textos, notas y estudios)
José Carlos Ballón, (ed.); Joseph de Acosta, Nicolás de Olea, Joseph Eusebio de Llano y Zapata, Hipólito Unanue, Jerónimo de Valera, Ildefonso de Peñafiel, José Ballón, Karla Bolo, Víctor Céspedes, Roberto Katayama, Ángel Muñoz, Elena Naupari, Alan Pisconte, Milko Pretell, Walter Redmond, José Rouillon, Verónica Sánchez, (auts.), 2011
Aparecida. Guía para leer el documento y crónica diaria
Víctor Fernández, 2007
The Neuroscience of Aging
Colin R. Martin (editor), Victor R. Preedy (editor), Rajkumar Rajendram (editor), 2021
The Neuroscience of Normal and Pathological Development
Colin R. Martin (editor), Victor R. Preedy (editor), Rajkumar Rajendram (editor), 2021
Big Data and Security: Third International Conference, ICBDS 2021, Shenzhen, China, November 26–28, 2021, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
Yuan Tian (editor), Tinghuai Ma (editor), Muhammad Khurram Khan (editor), Victor S. Sheng (editor), Zhaoqing Pan (editor), 2022
The Other Greeks: The Family Farm and the Agrarian Roots of Western Civilization
Victor Davis Hanson, 1999
Kitchener armies - The story of a national achievement 1914-18.
Temas de derecho penal y violación de derechos humanos
Víctor Quinteros, (ed.), 2012
Jewish Buenos Aires, 1890-1939: In Search of an Identity
Victor A Mirelman., 2018
Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry
Peter J. Kennelly, Kathleen M. Botham, Owen McGuinness, Victor W. Rodwell, P. Anthony Weil, 2022
Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry, Thirty-Second Edition
Peter Kennelly, Kathleen Botham, Owen McGuinness, Victor Rodwell, P. Anthony Weil, 2022