کتاب های Nail H. Ibragimov

Heavy-Tailed Distributions and Robustness in Economics and Finance
Marat Ibragimov, Rustam Ibragimov, Johan Walden, 2015
Approximate and renormgroup symmetries
Nail H. Ibragimov, Vladimir F. Kovalev, 2009
Approximate and Renormgroup Symmetries
Nail H. Ibragimov, Vladimir F. Kovalev, 2009
Transformation Groups and Lie Algebras
Nail H. Ibragimov, 2013
Tensors and Riemannian Geometry
Nail H. Ibragimov, 2015
A Practical Course in Differential Equations and Mathematical Modelling
Nail H Ibragimov, 2009
Heavy-Tailed Distributions and Robustness in Economics and Finance
Marat Ibragimov, 2015
Independent and stationary sequences of random variables
I. A Ibragimov, 1971
Gaussian Random Processes
I.A. Ibragimov, 1978
Gaussian Random Processes
I. A. Ibragimov, 1978
Lie group analysis. Classical heritage
Ibragimov N.H. (ed.), 2004
Selected works
Ibragimov N., 2006
Selected works
Ibragimov N., 2006
Statistical estimation. Asymptotic theory
I.A. Ibragimov, 1981
Topics in Several Complex Variables: First Usa-uzbekistan Conference Analysis and Matematical Physics May 20-23, 2014 California State University, Fullerton, Ca
Zair Ibragimov, Norman Levenberg, Sergey Pinchuk, Azimbay Sadullaev, 2016