کتاب های National Res

Journeys of a Lifetime, Second Edition: 500 of the World’s Greatest Trips
National Geographic, George Stone, 2018
Funding a Revolution: Government Support for Computing Research
National Research Council
The science book: everything you ned to know about the world and how it works. National Geographic
National Geographic Society (U. S.), 2008
Terrorisme en France, faire face !
Institut national des hautes études de la sécurité et de la justice, 2016
An Uncommon History of Common Things
National Geographic, Henry Petroski, 2015
American Democracy: A Great Leap of Faith
National Museum of American History, Harry R. Rubenstein, William Bird, Lisa Kathleen Graddy, Barbara Clark Smith, 2017
Code national du bâtiment – Canada 2015
Conseil national de recherches Canada, 2015
Method of Testing HVAC Air Ducts
the American National Standards Institute, 2016
Nutritional energetics of domestic animals & glossary of energy terms
National Research Council (U.S.) Committee on Animal Nutrition. Subcommittee on Biological Energy., 1981
Principles to Actions: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics; Steven Leinwand; Daniel J. Brahier; DeAnn Huinker, 2014
Long Ships and Round Ships: Warfare and Trade in the Mediterranean 3000 BC–500 AD
John Sinclair Morrison, National Maritime Museum (Great Britain), 1980
How to Know the Birds: The Art & Adventure of Birding
Ted Floyd, National Geographic Society, N. John Schmitt (illustrator), 2019
National Electrical Code 2017
(NFPA) National Fire Protection Association, 2016
Statistics: A Guide to the Unknown
Judith M. Tanur, Frederick Mosteller, William H. Kruskal, Erich L. Lehmann, Richard F. Link, Richard S. Pieters, Gerald R. Rising, (The Joint Committee on the Curriculum in Statistics and Probability of the American Statistical Association and the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics), 1989
Shadows of Tender Fury: The Letters and Communiqués of Subcomandante Marcos and the Zapatista Army of National Liberation
Subcomandante Marcos, Zapatista Army of National Liberation, 1995
Voice of Fire: Communiqués and Interviews from the Zapatista National Liberation Army
Zapatista National Liberation Army, Ben Clarke (ed.), Clifton Ross (ed., trans.), 1994
¡Zapatistas! Documents of the New Mexican Revolution (December 31, 1993–June 12, 1994)
Zapatista National Liberation Army, Autonomedia (ed.), Joshua Schwartz (photographs), 1994
Congress will deliver - Manifesto
Indian National Congress, 2019
Your voice, Our pledge - Manifesto
Indian National Congress, 2014
Indian National Congress Manifesto for Lok Sabha Elections 2009
Indian National Congress, 2009
Imagerie Medicale: Radiologie Et Medecine Nucleaire.
College National Des Enseignants De Biophysique Et De Medecine Nucleaire; College Des Enseignants de Radiologie de France, 2015
College National Des Enseignants de Cardiologie; Societe Francaise de Cardiologie, 2015
Collège National des Enseignants de Gériatrie, 2018
NFPA 72 - National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code. 2016 Edition
National Fire Protection Association, 2016