کتاب های Neil A. James (editor)

Turkey - True Stories
James Villers (Editor), 2002
Gone to Croatan: Origins of North American Dropout Culture
James Koehnline (editor), 1994
C.S. Peirce Contributions to the Nation 3 (Graduate Studies)
James E Cook (editor), 1979
Galbraith: The Affluent Society & Other Writings, 1952-1967: American Capitalism / The Great Crash, 1929 / The Affluent Society / The New Industrial State
John Kenneth Galbraith, James K. Galbraith (editor), 2010
The Bloomsbury Handbook to the Digital Humanities
Dr. James O’Sullivan (editor), 2023
The Cambridge Handbook for the Anthropology of Ethics (Cambridge Handbooks in Anthropology)
James Laidlaw (editor), 2023
Hammering Techniques in Greek and Roman Jewellery and Toreutics
Mikhail Y Treister, James Hargrave (editor), 2001
Essential Papers on Depression
James C. Coyne (editor), 1986
The T&T Clark Companion to the Septuagint
James K. Aitken (editor), 2015
The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell. Volume 2
James Clerk Maxwell, W. D. Niven (editor), 2010
The Scientific Papers of James Clerk Maxwell. Volume 2
James Clerk Maxwell, W. D. Niven (editor), 2010
Afropolitan Literature as World Literature
James Hodapp (editor), 2020
Crisis of Modern Times: Perspectives from the Review of Politics, 1939-1962
A. James McAdams (editor), 2007
Cell Cycle Checkpoints: Methods and Protocols
James J. Manfredi (editor), 2021
David Bowie and Romanticism (Palgrave Studies in Music and Literature)
James Rovira (editor), 2022
Scrivere pericolosamente. Riflessioni su vita, arte, letteratura
James Joyce, Federico Sabatini (editor), 2011
Nietzsche and Literary Studies
James I. Porter (editor), 2024
A Cultural History of Objects in the Renaissance
James Symonds (editor), 2022
De Gruyter Handbook of Drone Warfare (De Gruyter Contemporary Social Sciences Handbooks, 4)
James Patton Rogers (editor), 2024