کتاب های Neil Y. Yen (editor)

Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies for Rail Transportation (EITRT) 2023: Safety ... Notes in Electrical Engineering, 1136)
Jianwei Yang (editor), Dechen Yao (editor), Limin Jia (editor), Yong Qin (editor), Zhigang Liu (editor), Lijun Diao (editor), 2024
Defining and Protecting Autonomous Work: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Tindara Addabbo (editor), Edoardo Ales (editor), Ylenia Curzi (editor), Tommaso Fabbri (editor), Olga Rymkevich (editor), Iacopo Senatori (editor), 2022
Progress in Image Processing, Pattern Recognition and Communication Systems: Proceedings of the Conference (CORES, IP&C, ACS) - June 28-30 2021 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems)
Michal Choraś (editor), Ryszard S. Choraś (editor), Marek Kurzyński (editor), Paweł Trajdos (editor), Jerzy Pejaś (editor), Tomasz Hyla (editor), 2021
Intelligent Systems Design and Applications: 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA 2020) held December ... in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 1351)
Ajith Abraham (editor), Vincenzo Piuri (editor), Niketa Gandhi (editor), Patrick Siarry (editor), Arturas Kaklauskas (editor), Ana Madureira (editor), 2021
Complex Networks & Their Applications X: Volume 2, Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications ... (Studies in Computational Intelligence, 1073)
Rosa Maria Benito (editor), Chantal Cherifi (editor), Hocine Cherifi (editor), Esteban Moro (editor), Luis M. Rocha (editor), Marta Sales-Pardo (editor), 2021
Industry 4.0 and People Analytics: A Technical Perspective of HRM
Vinod Kumar Shukla (editor), Praveen Kulkarni (editor), Deepika Gaur (editor), Pradeep N (editor), Jean Paolo G. Lacap (editor), Amina Omrane (editor), 2024
Essentials of Interventional Techniques in Managing Chronic Pain
Laxmaiah Manchikanti (editor), Vijay Singh (editor), Frank J.E. Falco (editor), Alan D. Kaye (editor), Amol Soin (editor), Joshua A. Hirsch (editor), 2024
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicles: Concepts, Challenges, and Applications (Explainable AI (XAI) for Engineering Applications)
Kamal Malik (editor), Moolchand Sharma (editor), Suman Deswal (editor), Umesh Gupta (editor), Deevyankar Agarwal (editor), Yahya Obaid Bakheet Al Shamsi (editor), 2024
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicles: Concepts, Challenges, and Applications (Explainable AI (XAI) for Engineering Applications)
Kamal Malik (editor), Moolchand Sharma (editor), Suman Deswal (editor), Umesh Gupta (editor), Deevyankar Agarwal (editor), Yahya Obaid Bakheet Al Shamsi (editor), 2024
Feldman and Pike’s Vitamin D, Volume Two: Disease and Therapeutics
Martin Hewison (editor), Roger Bouillon (editor), Edward Giovannucci (editor), David Goltzman (editor), Mark Meyer B. (editor), JoEllen Welsh (editor), 2024
Feldman and Pike’s Vitamin D, Volume One: Biochemistry, Physiology and Diagnostics
Martin Hewison (editor), Roger Bouillon (editor), Edward Giovannucci (editor), David Goltzman (editor), Mark Meyer B. (editor), JoEllen Welsh (editor), 2024
Information and Communications Technologies: Second International Libyan Conference, ILCICT 2023, Tripoli, Libya, September 4–6, 2023, Proceedings
Tammam A. T. Benmusa (editor), Mohamed Samir Elbuni (editor), Ibrahim M. Saleh (editor), Ahmed S. Ashur (editor), Nabil M. Drawil (editor), Issmail M. Ellabib (editor), 2024
Storia naturale. Libri 7-11. Antropologia e zoologia. Con testo latino a fronte
Plinio il Vecchio, Gaio Plinio Secondo, Alberto Borghini (editor), Elena Giannarelli (editor), Arnaldo Marcone (editor), Giuliano Ranucci (editor), Alessandro Barchiesi (editor), Gian Biagio Conte (editor), 1997
Storia naturale. Libri 33-37. Mineralogia e storia dell'arte. Con testo latino a fronte
Plinio il Vecchio, Gaio Plinio Secondo, Antonio Corso (editor), Rossana Muggellesi (editor), Gianpiero Rosati (editor), Alessandro Barchiesi (editor), Giuliano Ranucci (editor), Gian Biagio Conte (editor), 1997
Big Science in the 21st Century: Economic and Societal Impacts
Panagiotis Charitos (editor), Theodore Arabatzis (editor), Harry Cliff (editor), Günther Dissertori (editor), Juliette Forneris (editor), Jason Li-Ying (editor), 2024
An Introduction to the Solar System
David A. Rothery (editor), Neil McBride (editor), Iain Gilmour (editor), 2018
Evidence-informed Approaches for Managing Dementia Transitions: Riding the Waves
Linda Garcia (editor), Lynn McCleary RNBScNPhD (editor), Neil Drummond (editor), 2020
Lymphedema: Complete Medical and Surgical Management
Peter C. Neligan (editor), Jaume Masia (editor), Neil B. Piller (editor), 2015
Subcultures and New Religious Movements in Russia and East-Central Europe
Neil Foxlee (editor), Christopher Williams (editor), George McKay (editor), 2009
Entrepreneurship, Dyslexia, and Education: Research, Principles, and Practice (Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship)
Barbara Pavey (editor), Neil Alexander-Passe (editor), Margaret Meehan (editor), 2020
Entrepreneurship, Dyslexia, and Education: Research, Principles, and Practice (Routledge Studies in Entrepreneurship)
Barbara Pavey (editor), Neil Alexander-Passe (editor), Margaret Meehan (editor), 2020
Agritourism, Wine Tourism, and Craft Beer Tourism: Local Responses to Peripherality Through Tourism Niches
Maria Giulia Pezzi (editor), Alessandra Faggian (editor), Neil Reid (editor), 2020
Head, neck and thyroid surgery : an introduction and practical guide
Neeraj Sethi (editor); R. James A England (editor); Neil De Zoysa (editor), 2020
Revolutionary Rehearsals in the Neoliberal Age
Colin Barker (editor), Gareth Dale (editor), Neil Davidson (editor), 2021