کتاب های Neil Yen (editor)

Exploring Emotion, Care, and Enthusiasm in "Unloved" Museum Collections
Alison Hess (editor), Rhianedd Smith (editor), 2020
Research Handbook on the Sociology of International Law
Moshe Hirsch (editor), Andrew Lang (editor), 2018
Sacred Custodians of the Earth?: Women, Spirituality and the Environment
Alaine Low (editor), Soraya Tremayne (editor), 2001
The Oxford Guide to International Humanitarian Law
Ben Saul (editor), Dapo Akande (editor), 2020
Critical Intercultural Communication Pedagogy
Ahmet Atay (editor), Satoshi Toyosaki (editor), 2017
Biology of plant volatiles
Natalʹja Arnolʹdovna Dudareva (editor); Eran Pichersky (editor), 2020
Reporting Non-GAAP Financial Measures: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis in Europe
Nicola Moscariello (editor), Michele Pizzo (editor), 2020
Transgender Children and Young People: Born in Your Own Body
Heather Brunskell-Evans (editor), Michele Moore (editor), 2018
Voices from the Edge: Centring Marginalized Perspectives in Analytic Theology
Michelle Panchuk (editor), Michael Rea (editor), 2020
How to watch television
Ethan Thompson (editor); Jason Mittell (editor), 2020
BSAVA manual of reptiles
Simon Girling (editor); Paul Raiti (editor);, 2019
Territorio zero. Per una società a emissioni zero, rifiuti zero e chilometri zero
L. De Santoli (editor), A. Consoli (editor), 2013
The Cherokee Removal: A Brief History with Documents, 2nd Edition
Theda Perdue (editor), Michael D. Green (editor), 2005
Themes in Greek Society and Culture: An Introduction
Allison Glazebrook (editor), Christina Vester (editor), 2017
L'invenzione della tradizione
E. J. Hobsbawm (editor), T. Ranger (editor), 2002
La rotta d'Europa. L'economia
Rossana Rossanda (editor), Mario Pianta (editor), 2012
La rotta d'Europa. La politica
Rossana Rossanda (editor), Mario Pianta (editor), 2012
ContaminAzioni ecologiche. Cibi, nature, culture
Daniela Fargione (editor), Serenella Iovino (editor), 2015
Northeast India: A Place of Relations
Yasmin Saikia (editor), Amit R. Baishya (editor), 2017
Global Ethics and Moral Responsibility: Hans Jonas and his Critics
John-Stewart Gordon (editor), Holger Burckhart (editor), 2014
Greek and Roman Festivals: Content, Meaning, and Practice
J. Rasmus Brandt (editor), Jon W. Iddeng (editor), 2012
Ideas reformistas y reformadores en la España del siglo XIX: Los Sierra Pambley y su tiempo
Elena Aguado Cabezas (editor), Francisco Carantona Alvarez (editor), 2008
New Realism and Contemporary Philosophy
Gregor Kroupa (editor), Jure Simoniti (editor), 2020
Oxford Textbook of the Psychiatry of Intellectual Disability
Sabyasachi Bhaumik (editor), Regi Alexander (editor), 2020