کتاب های New Museum

The J. Paul Getty Museum journal
J. Paul Getty Museum, 1985
The J. Paul Getty Museum journal
J. Paul Getty Museum, 1988
The J. Paul Getty Museum journal
J. Paul Getty Museum, 1989
Cromwell Tank Vehicle History and Specification
Tank Museum, 1983
Finding Longitude How Ships, Clocks and Stars Helped Solve the Longitude Problem
National Maritime Museum, Richard Dunn, Rebekah Higgitt, 2014
In Pursuit of Beauty Americans and the Aesthetic Movement
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1986
Arms and armour of old Japan
Victoria & Albert Museum, 1951
Geschichte und Geschichten zum hundertjährigen Bestehen
Vorderasiatisches Museum Berlin (Hrsg.), 2000
American Democracy: A Great Leap of Faith
National Museum of American History, Harry R. Rubenstein, William Bird, Lisa Kathleen Graddy, Barbara Clark Smith, 2017
Fantastic Forgeries: Paint Like Van Gogh: A Step-by-Step Course to Painting Van Gogh’s Classic Artworks
Van Gogh Museum, Joanne Shurvell, Susan Lea, 2017
Sherlock Holmes: The Man Who Never Lived and Will Never Die
Alex Werner, The Museum of London Group, 2014
London by Design: The Iconic Transport Designs that Shaped Our City
London Transport Museum, 2016
Design with nature
Ian L McHarg; American Museum of Natural History., 1969
Long Ships and Round Ships: Warfare and Trade in the Mediterranean 3000 BC–500 AD
John Sinclair Morrison, National Maritime Museum (Great Britain), 1980
Carried Away: Bags Unpacked
Grace Lai, Auckland Museum, 2019
Metropolitan Jewelry
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1991
Seeking El Dorado: African Americans in California
De Graaf, L.B.;De Graaf, L.B.;Mulroy, K.;Taylor, Q.;Autry Museum of Western Heritage, 2001
Poets of the Cities: New York and San Francisco, 1950-1965
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, 1974
scythian ancient finds
British Museum
Fort Douglas
Louwane Vansoolen, the Fort Douglas Military Museum, 2009
From Chantre to Djak: Cantorial Traditions in Canada
Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies; Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2000
The Ideal World of Mrs. Widder's Soirée Musicale: Social Identity and Musical Life in Nineteenth-century Ontario
Kristina Marie Guiguet; Canadian Museum of Civilization, 2004
Mapping the First World War: The Great War through maps from 1914-1918
Peter Chasseaud; The Imperial War Museum, 2013
Patek Philippe Museum Catalog, Horology
Patek Philippe Museum, 2020