کتاب های Newton, Sir Isaac

Os Pensadores - Newton, Leibniz
Isaac Newton, 1983
Philosophical Writings
Isaac Newton, 2004
Philosophiæ naturalis principia mathematica
Isaac Newton, 1822
Principes mathématiques de la philosophi naturelle
Newton Isaac
Principi matematici della Filosofia naturale
Isaac Newton, 1965
Principia : Vol. 1 The Motion of Bodies
Isaac Newton, 1966
Principia : Vol. 1 The Motion of Bodies
Isaac Newton, 1966
Principia : Vol. 1 The Motion of Bodies
Isaac Newton, 1966
Principia: Vol. II: The System of the World
Isaac Newton, 1966
The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton, 1683-1684
Isaac Newton (auth), 1972
The Mathematical Papers of Isaac Newton: Volume 5, 1683-1684
Newton, Isaac, 1972
Principi matematici di filosofia naturale
Isaac Newton, 1989
Principia: Vol. II: The System of the World
Isaac Newton, 1966
Principia: Vol. II: The System of the World
Isaac Newton, 1966
Scritti di ottica
Isaac Newton, 1978
Sistema del mondo
Isaac Newton, 1959
The mathematical papers of Isaac Newton, vol.6. 1684-1691
Isaac Newton, 1974
The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy (1687)
Isaac Newton, 1846
The Principia: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy. The Authoritative Translation and Guide
Isaac Newton; Bernard Cohen, Anne Whitman (trans.)
Principia: Princípios Matemáticos de Filosofia Natural
Isaac Newton, 2016