کتاب های Nick Hall (editor)

The Routledge International Handbook on Decolonizing Justice
Chris Cunneen (editor); Antje Deckert (editor); Amanda Porter (editor); Juan Tauri (editor); Robert Webb (editor), 2023
Religion and Worldviews in Education: The New Watershed
Liam Gearon (editor); Arniika Kuusisto (editor); Saila Poulter (editor); Auli Toom (editor); Martin Ubani (editor), 2023
Allaiter de l'Antiquite a Nos Jours: Histoire Et Pratiques d'Une Culture En Europe
Veronique Dasen (editor), Yasmina Foehr-Janssens (editor), Irene Maffi (editor), Daniela Solfaroli Camillocci (editor), Francesca Arena (editor)
Oxford Textbook of Global Public Health (Oxford Textbooks in Public Health)
Roger Detels (editor), Quarraisha Abdool Karim (editor), Fran Baum (editor), Liming Li (editor), Alastair H Leyland (editor), 2022
Mathematical and Statistical Methods for Actuarial Sciences and Finance: eMAF2020
Marco Corazza (editor), Manfred Gilli (editor), Cira Perna (editor), Claudio Pizzi (editor), Marilena Sibillo (editor), 2021
IoT as a Service: 8th EAI International Conference, IoTaaS 2022, Virtual Event, November 17-18, 2022, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the Institute for ... and Telecommunications Engineering, 506)
Khaled Rabie (editor), Rupak Kharel (editor), Lina Mohjazi (editor), Taissir Elganimi (editor), Wali Ullah Khan (editor), 2023
Statistical Models and Methods for Data Science (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization)
Leonardo Grilli (editor), Monia Lupparelli (editor), Carla Rampichini (editor), Emilia Rocco (editor), Maurizio Vichi (editor), 2023
Neues Musikalisches Seelenparadies Neuen Testaments (1662): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Christian Flor (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2017
Neues Musikalisches Seelenparadies Alten Testaments (1660): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Christian Flor (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2016
Neues Musikalisches Seelenparadies Alten Testaments (1660): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Christian Flor (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2016
Internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
Horst-Peter Götting (editor); Urs Peter Gruber (editor); Jörn Lüdemann (editor); et al. (editor); Christian Tietje (editor), 2015
Neues Musikalisches Seelenparadies Neuen Testaments (1662): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Christian Flor (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2017
Sabbahtische Seelenlust (1651): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Thomas Selle (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2018
Neue Musikalische Kreuz-, Trost-, Lob- und Dank-Schule (1659): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Michael Jacobi (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2019
Internationales Umweltrecht
Kristin Bartenstein (editor); Wolfgang Durner (editor); Astrid Epiney (editor); et al. (editor); Alexander Proelß (editor), 2017
Internationales Umweltrecht
Kristin Bartenstein (editor); Wolfgang Durner (editor); Astrid Epiney (editor); et al. (editor); Alexander Proelß (editor), 2017
Humain, trop humain. Un livre pour esprits libres I
Friedrich Nietzsche (editor); Giorgio Colli (editor); Mazzino Montinari (editor); de Launay Marc B. (editor); Robert Rovini (editor), 1988
Neue Musikalische Kreuz-, Trost-, Lob- und Dank-Schule (1659): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Michael Jacobi (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2019
Sabbahtische Seelenlust (1651): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Thomas Selle (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2018
Neue Musikalische Fest-Andachten (1655): Kritische Ausgabe und Kommentar. Kritische Edition des Notentextes
Johann Rist (editor); Thomas Selle (editor); Johann Anselm Steiger (editor); Oliver Huck (editor); Esteban Hernández Castelló (editor), 2019
Extended Abstracts Fall 2019: Spaces of Analytic Functions: Approximation, Interpolation, Sampling (Trends in Mathematics)
Evgeny Abakumov (editor), Anton Baranov (editor), Alexander Borichev (editor), Konstantin Fedorovskiy (editor), Joaquim Ortega-Cerdà (editor), 2021
W. M. Kays (editor); A. L. London (editor); K. Stieper (editor); E. Flügel (editor); A.-J. Luther (editor), 2022
Routledge Handbook of Latin America and the Environment
Beatriz Bustos (editor); Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro (editor); Gustavo García-López (editor); Felipe Milanez (editor); Diana Ojeda (editor), 2023
The Sexual Organization of the City
Edward O. Laumann (editor); Stephen Ellingson (editor); Jenna Mahay (editor); Anthony Paik (editor); Yoosik Youm (editor), 2005