کتاب های Nico Carpentier

Photosynthesis Research Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology)
Carpentier R Robert Carpentier, 2004
Alternatives on media content, journalism, and regulation the grassroots discussion panels at the 2007 ICA Conference
edited by Seeta Peña Gangadharan, Benjamin De Cleen, NIco Carpentier., 2007
Democracy, journalism and technology : new developments in an enlarged Europe
edited by Nico Carpentier et al., 2008.
Communicative Approaches to Politics and Ethics in Europe: The Intellectual Work of the 2009 ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School
edited by Nico Carpentier ... et al., 2009
The Social Construction of Death: Interdisciplinary Perspectives
Leen Van Brussel, Nico Carpentier (eds.), 2014
Trans-Reality Television: The Transgression of Reality, Genre, Politics, and Audience
Sofie Van Bauwel; Nico Carpentier (eds.), 2010
Cyprus and Its Conflicts: Representations, Materialities, and Cultures
Vaia Doudaki, Nico Carpentier, 2017
The Discursive-Material Knot: Cyprus in Conflict and Community Media Participation
Nico Carpentier, 2017
Critical Perspectives on Media, Power and Change
Ilija Tomanić Trivundža, Hannu Nieminen, Nico Carpentier, Josef Trappel, 2018
Concert baroc
Alejo Carpentier, 1981
Osez... le strip-tease
Violeta Carpentier, 2009
Susan Glaspell: New Directions in Critical Inquiry
Martha Carpentier, 2008
Voyage dans l'Anthropocène : Cette nouvelle ère dont nous sommes les héros
Laurent Carpentier, 2011
Ondes lumineuses: Propagation, optique de fourier, cohérence
Renaud Carpentier, Jean-René Champeau, Ivan Lorgeré, 2009
Histoire de France
Jean Carpentier, François Lebrun, 1987
Carpentier’s Reconstructive Valve Surgery
Alain Carpentier, David H. Adams, Farzan Filsoufi, 2011
The Microwave Engineering Handbook: Microwave Components
B. Smith, M.H. Carpentier, 1993
Cultural Nationalism and Ethnic Music in Latin America
William H. Beezley; Sonia Robles; Alejo Carpentier; Jan Fairley; Robin Sacolick; Ketty Wong; Carolyne Ryan Larson; Jerry D. Metz Jr; E. Gabrielle Kuenzli; Janet Sturman; Jennifer Jenkins, 2018
Políticas Educativas: A aplicação na prática
Anylène Carpentier, Claude Lessard