کتاب های Nielsen

Pharaoh Seti I: Father of Egyptian Greatness
Nicky Nielsen, 2018
Understanding Video Games: The Essential Introduction
Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen; Jonas Heide Smith; Susana Pajares Tosca, 2015
BasisKemi A
Ole Vesterlund Nielsen, Vibeke Axelsen, 2011
Basiskemi B
Helge Mygind, Ole Vesterlund Nielsen, Vibeke Axelsen, 2010
Fermentation microbiology and biotechnology
Allman, Tony; Carlson, Ross; El-Mansi, Mansi; Mousdale, David M.; Nielsen, Jens, 2019
Practical Time Series Analysis: Prediction with Statistics and Machine Learning
Aileen Nielsen, 2019
Rewriting and Reception in and of the Bible.
Høgenhaven, Jesper; Nielsen, Jesper Tang; Omerzu, Heike, 2018
Danish : a comprehensive grammar.
Holmes, Philip; Lundskær-Nielsen, Tom, 2015
Practical Time Series Analysis: Prediction with Statistics and Machine Learning
Aileen Nielsen, 2019
European E-Democracy In Practice
Leonhard Hennen, Ira Van Keulen, Iris Korthagen, Georg Aichholzer, Ralf Lindner, Rasmus Øjvind Nielsen, 2020
An introduction to Vedic nominal accentuation (an attempt at a simplified analysis)
Benedicte Nielsen, 2004
The politics of caste in West Bengal
Chandra, Uday; Heierstad, Geir; Nielsen, Kenneth Bo, 2016
The politics of caste in West Bengal
Chandra, Uday; Heierstad, Geir; Nielsen, Kenneth Bo, 2016
Research Methods In International Business
Lorraine Eden, Bo Bernhard Nielsen, Alain Verbeke, 2020
Money Spinners: Banking, Sales, Spin and Charging Money for Nothing
Annelise Nielsen, 2019
Practical Time Series Analysis: Prediction with Statistics and Machine Learning
Aileen Nielsen, 2019
The Germanic Languages: Origins and Early Dialectal Interrelations
Hans Frede Nielsen, 1989
Deep Learning with JavaScript: Neural networks in TensorFlow.js
Shanqing Cai, Stan Bileschi, Eric Nielsen, 2020
Computational Biomechanics for Medicine: Personalisation, Validation and Therapy
Martyn P. Nash, Poul M.F. Nielsen, Adam Wittek, Karol Miller, Grand R. Joldes, 2020
Til undersøkelsen av lappiske stedsnavn
Konrad Nielsen, 1920