کتاب های Niti Chopra [chopra

Nonviolent communication: A language of life
Rosenberg, Marshall B., and Deepak Chopra, 2015
Fire in the Heart
Chopra Deepak, 2004
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit
Chopra Deepak, David Simon
How Consciousness Became the Universe: Quantum Physics, Cosmology, Relativity, Evolution, Neuroscience, Parallel Universes
Chopra Deepak, Penrose Roger, Carter Brandon, Stapp Henry P., Hameroff Stuart, Dobyns York H., Kafatos Menas, Mensky Michael B., Globus Gordon, Kak Subhash, 2015
Power, Freedom, and Grace
Chopra Deepak, 2011
Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul
Chopra Deepak, 2009
On My Way to a Happy Life
Chopra Deepak, 2010
The Healing Self: A Revolutionary New Plan to Supercharge Your Immunity and Stay Well for Life
Chopra Deepak, Rudolph E. Tanzi, 2018
Le livre des coïncidences. Vivre à l'écoute des signes que le destin nous envoie
Chopra Deepak, 2009
The Ultimate Happiness Prescription
Chopra Deepak, 2009
Jesus : a Story of Enlightenment
Chopra Deepak, 2008
War of the Worldviews: Science vs. Spirituality
Chopra Deepak,Leonard Mlodinow, 2011
The Third Jesus
Chopra Deepak, 2008
Perfect health. The complete mind body guide
Chopra Deepak, 2007
The Future of God
Chopra Deepak, 2014
Muhammad. A story of the last prophet
Chopra Deepak, 2010
Tout est méditation
Chopra Deepak, 2021
Grow Younger, Live Longer: Ten Steps to Reverse Aging
Chopra Deepak, 2007
Spiritual Solutions
Chopra Deepak, 2012
Chopra Deepak, 2013
Perfect Weight
Chopra Deepak, 2007