کتاب های Norman, Ian J.

International Handbook of Education for Spirituality, Care and Wellbeing
Marian de Souza, Leslie J. Francis, James O’Higgins-Norman, Daniel G. Scott (auth.), Dr. Marian de Souza, Prof. Leslie J. Francis, Dr. James O’Higgins-Norman, Dr. Daniel Scott (eds.), 2009
International Handbook of Research in Medical Education
Geoff Norman (auth.), Geoff R. Norman, Cees P. M. van der Vleuten, David I. Newble, Diana H. J. M. Dolmans, Karen V. Mann, Arthur Rothman, Lynn Curry (eds.), 2002
Magnetorheology: Advances and Applications
Norman M Wereley, Hans-Jörg Schneider, Mohsen Shahinpoor, Georges Bossis, Richard Bell, M Zrinyi, Daniel E Barber, Faramarz Gordaninejad, Juan de Vicente, Hyoung-Jin Choi, Rongjia Tao, Wei Hu, Holger Boese, William Kordonski, Young-Tai Choi, Norman Wereley, Grum Ngatu, Wei-Hsin Liao, Seung-Bok Choi, 2013
Mutton fish : the surviving culture of Aboriginal people and abalone on the south coast of New South Wales
Sue Norman, Beryl Norman, Liddy Stewart, 2005
The Iron Dream
Norman Spinrad [Spinrad, Norman], 2013
Biblical Inerrancy: The Historical Evidence
Geisler, Norman [Geisler, Norman], 2013
Kantian business ethics : critical perspectives
Bowie, Norman E.; Arnold, Denis Gordon; Bowie, Norman E.; Harris, Jared D., 2012
Women's Work in East and West: The Dual Burden of Employment and Family Life
Norman Stockman, Norman Bonney, Xuewen Sheng, 1995
The Archaeology of Afghanistan: From Earliest Times to the Timurid Period
Raymond Allchin (editor), Norman Hammond (editor), Warwick Ball (editor), Norman Hammond (editor), 2019
Eastern Europe
Norman John Greville Pounds, Norman Pounds, 1969
Greek Athletic Sports and Festivals
E. Norman (Edward Norman) Gardiner, 1970
Information Theory and Applications: Third Canadian Workshop Rockland, Ontario, Canada, May 30 – June 2, 1993 Proceedings
Ian F. Blake, Shuhong Gao, Robert Lambert (auth.), T. Aaron Gulliver, Norman P. Secord (eds.), 1994
The Art and Science of Mental Health Nursing
Ian Norman, 2004
The Art and Science of Mental Health Nursing, 2nd Edition
Ian Norman, 2009
The art and science of mental health nursing: principles and practice
Norman, Ian J.; Ryrie, Iain, 2013
Technology Development Assistance for Agriculture: Putting research into use in low income countries
Norman Clark, Andy Frost, Ian Maudlin, Andrew Ward, 2013
Socialism: A Short History
Norman Ian MacKenzie, 2013
'The Leading Journal in the Field': Destabilizing Authority in the Social Sciences of Management
Norman Jackson, Pippa Carter, Nick Butler, 2010
Divergent paths Vol. 1. The Hegelian foundations of Marx's method
Levine, Norman; Marx, Karl; Engels, Friedrich; Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 2006
Divergent Paths: Hegel in Marxism and Engelsism (Volume 1)
Marx, Karl; Marx, Karl; Levine, Norman; Engels, Friedrich; Hegel, Georg W, 2006/9999
A philological approach to Buddhism : the Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai lectures 1994
Norman, K. R., 1997
Anodic Protection: Theory and Practice in the Prevention of Corrosion
Olen L. Riggs Jr., Carl E. Locke, Norman E. Hamner (auth.), 1981