کتاب های Octave
درباره نویسنده

Artificial Intelligence and Dynamic Systems for Geophysical Applications
Professor Dr. Alexei Gvishiani, Professor Dr. Jacques Octave Dubois (auth.), 2002
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Octave Levenspiel, 1999
Chemical Reaction Engineering
Octave Levenspiel, 1998
Chemical reaction engineering
Octave Levenspiel, 1999
Tracer Technology: Modeling the Flow of Fluids
Octave Levenspiel (auth.), 2012
Tracer Technology: Modeling the Flow of Fluids
Octave Levenspiel (auth.), 2012
le système de Descartes
Octave Hamelin, 1921
Flujo de Fluidos e Intercambio de Calor
Octave Levenspiel, 2008
Flujo de fluidos e intercambio de calor
Octave Levenspiel, 1993
Fluidization Engineering
D. Kunii, Octave Levenspiel, 1991
Dynamic Systems and Dynamic Classification Problems in Geophysical Applications
Prof. Dr. Jacques Octave Dubois, 1998
Solution Manual Chemical Reaction Enginnering
Octave Levenspiel, 1999
Rambling Through Science and Technology
Octave Levenspiel, 2007
The nothing machine : the fiction of Octave Mirbeau
Mirbeau, Octave, 2007
Sur la Pâque: Traité inédit publié d’après un papyrus de Toura
Origene, Octave Guéraud, Pierre Nautin, 1979
Sigmund Freud mit Selbstzeugnissen und Bilddokumenten
Octave Mannoni (editor), 1971
Octave Uzanne, 2012
Octave Uzanne, 2012
Diario di una cameriera
Octave Mirbeau, 2015
Engenharia das Reações Químicas
Octave Levenspiel, 2000
Démosthène, Plaidoyers politiques, Tome I: Contre Androtion - Contre la loi de Leptine - Contre Timocrate
Navarre, Octave & Orsini, Pierre (eds.), 1954
La vita privata di Napoleone
Octave Aubry, 1988
Freud (Yaşamı ve Eserleri)
Octave Mannoni, 1992
Honor de artista
Octave Feuillet, 1945