کتاب های Of Nyssa Saint Gregory

Activity and participation in late antique and early Christian thought
the Areopagite Saint. Dionysius; the Areopagite Saint Dionysius; of Nyssa Saint. Gregory; of Nyssa Saint Gregory; Saint. Gregory Palamas; Saint Gregory Palamas; of Nyssa Saint Gregory; Tollefsen, Torstein; Saint Gregory Palamas; the Areopagite Saint Dionysius, 2012
The Cappadocian Mothers : deification exemplified in the writings of Basil, Gregory, and Gregory
Bishop of Caesarea / approximately 329-379 Basil / Saint; Saint Gregory / of Nazianzus; Saint / approximately 335-approximately 394 Gregory / of Nyssa; Sunberg, Carla D., 2017
The Cappadocian Mothers : deification exemplified in the writings of Basil, Gregory, and Gregory
Bishop of Caesarea / approximately 329-379 Basil / Saint; Saint Gregory / of Nazianzus; Saint / approximately 335-approximately 394 Gregory / of Nyssa; Sunberg, Carla D., 2017
One Path for All: Gregory of Nyssa on the Christian Life and Human Destiny
Rowan A. Greer; Saint Gregory of Nyssa; J. Warren Smith, 2015
Homilies on the Song of songs
of Nyssa Saint Gregory; Norris, Richard Alfred, 2012