کتاب های Olaf Jacob (auth.)

Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Designs, and Applications
Jacob Fraden (auth.), 2010
Handbook of Modern Sensors: Physics, Designs, and Applications
Jacob Fraden (auth.), 2004
Economic Information, Decision, and Prediction: Selected Essays: Volume II
Jacob Marshak (auth.), 1974
Subcellular Biochemistry: Ascorbic Acid: Biochemistry and Biomedical Cell Biology
Robert A. Jacob (auth.), 1996
CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, Third Edition
R. Jacob Baker(auth.)
Arthrography of the Knee Joint
Prof. Dr. Cornelis Jacob Pieter Thijn (auth.), 1979
Risk Estimation on High Frequency Financial Data: Empirical Analysis of the DAX 30
Florian Jacob (auth.), 2015
Protection of Materials and Structures From the Space Environment
Jacob Kleiman (auth.), 2013
Standby Letters of Credit: A Comprehensive Guide
Jacob E. Sifri (auth.), 2008
Corporate Banking: Selbsterstellung von Finanzdienstleistungen durch Nichtbankunternehmen
André Jacob (auth.), 1996
Cancer Chemotherapy by Infusion
Jacob J. Lokich M.D. (auth.), 1987
The Flow of Funds in Theory and Practice: A Flow-Constrained Approach to Monetary Theory and Policy
Jacob Cohen (auth.), 1987
Geschäftsbeziehungen und die Institutionen des marktlichen Austauschs
Prof. Dr. Frank Jacob (auth.), 2002
Modern Trends in Applied Aquatic Ecology
Jacob John (auth.), 2003
Der Gedanke der Internationalen Organisation in seiner Entwicklung 1300–1800
Dr. Jacob Ter Meulen (auth.), 1917
Der Gedanke der Internationalen Organisation in seiner Entwicklung: Zweiter Band: 1789–1889, Zweites Stück: 1867–1889
Dr. Jacob ter Meulen (auth.), 1940
Der Gedanke der Internationalen Organisation in seiner Entwicklung: Zweiter Band: 1789–1889: Erstes Stück 1789–1870
Dr. Jacob ter Meulen (auth.), 1968
The Paraboloidal Reflector Antenna in Radio Astronomy and Communication: Theory and Practice
Jacob W.M. Baars (auth.), 2007
Stakeholder Theory: A Model for Strategic Management
Maria Bonnafous-Boucher, Jacob Dahl Rendtorff (auth.), 2016
The Military Revolution in Early Modern Europe: A Revision
Frank Jacob, Gilmar Visoni-Alonzo (auth.), 2016
Hope, Change, Pragmatism: Analyzing Obama’s Grand Strategy
Jacob Shively (auth.), 2016