کتاب های Osman Aysu

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Data and Information Engineering (DaEng-2013)
Sallam Osman Fageeri, 2014
Food Microbiology: Principles into Practice, 2 Volume Set
Osman Erkmen, 2016
Citizen Soldiers and the Key to the Bastille
Julia Osman (auth.), 2015
Tote essen keinen Döner: Don Osmans erster Fall
Osman Engin, 2008
Lieber Onkel Ömer: Briefe aus Alamanya
Osman Engin, 2008
Brain tumors
Francis Ali-Osman, 2005
China’s Transition to a Socialist Market Economy
Osman Suliman, 1998
Open Channel Hydraulics
A. Osman Akan, 2006
Goat Meat Production and Quality
Osman Mahgoub, 2011
Forest Soils: Properties and Management
Khan Towhid Osman (auth.), 2013
Formalized Probability Theory and Applications Using Theorem Proving
Osman Hasan, 2015
Ecology (Zambak)
Osman ARPACI, 2008
Introduction to Biology (Zambak)
Osman ARPACI, 2008
Türkiye Selçukluları Hakkında Resmi Vesikalar
Osman Turan, 1958
A Book of Satyrs
Austin Osman Spare, 2005
Anathema of Zos
Austin Osman Spare, 2001
Computer Science and Operations Research. New Developments in their Interfaces
Osman Balci (Auth.), 1992
Programming with C++ (Zambak)
Osman AY, 2006
Programming with C++ (Zambak)
Osman AY, 2006