کتاب های Owen Barr (editor)

Enabling Machine Learning Applications in Data Science: Proceedings of Arab Conference for Emerging Technologies 2020
Aboul Ella Hassanien (editor), Ashraf Darwish (editor), Sherine M. Abd El-Kader (editor), Dabiah Ahmed Alboaneen (editor), 2021
Advances in Data Science: Symbolic, Complex, and Network Data (Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Management; Big Data, Intelligence and Data Analaysis)
Edwin Diday (editor), Rong Guan (editor), Gilbert Saporta (editor), Huiwen Wang (editor), 2020
Doutrina Selecionada: Execução - Vol.5 - Coleção Novo Cpc
Ravi Medeiros Peixoto (editor); Lucas Buril de Macêdo (editor); Didier Junior Didier Jr. (editor); Alexandre Reis Siqueira Freire (editor), 2016
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy in South Africa: Contexts, theories and applications
Glenys Lobban (editor), Michael O’Loughlin (editor), Giada Del Fabbro (editor), Gillian Eagle (editor), 2013
Digital Literacy and Socio-Cultural Acceptance of ICT in Developing Countries
Emmanuel Eilu (editor), Rehema Baguma (editor), John Soren Pettersson (editor), Ganesh D. Bhutkar (editor), 2021
Digital Literacy and Socio-Cultural Acceptance of ICT in Developing Countries
Emmanuel Eilu (editor), Rehema Baguma (editor), John Soren Pettersson (editor), Ganesh D. Bhutkar (editor), 2021
Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering: Proceedings of 8th ICICSE (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 171)
H. S. Saini (editor), Rishi Sayal (editor), A. Govardhan (editor), Rajkumar Buyya (editor), 2021
Inorganic Materials for Energy, Medicine and Environmental Remediation (Environmental Chemistry for a Sustainable World, 69)
Saravanan Rajendran (editor), Mu. Naushad (editor), Dai-Viet N. Vo (editor), Eric Lichtfouse (editor), 2021
La Belle: The Archaeology of a Seventeenth-Century Vessel of New World Colonization
James E. Bruseth (editor), Amy A. Borgens (editor), Bradford M. Jones (editor), Eric D. Ray (editor), 2017
Intelligent Learning for Computer Vision: Proceedings of Congress on Intelligent Systems 2020
Harish Sharma (editor), Mukesh Saraswat (editor), Sandeep Kumar (editor), Jagdish Chand Bansal (editor), 2021
Geospatial Technologies for Land and Water Resources Management
Ashish Pandey (editor), V. M. Chowdary (editor), Mukunda Dev Behera (editor), V. P. Singh (editor), 2021
Advances in Speech and Music Technology: Proceedings of FRSM 2020 (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing)
Anupam Biswas (editor), Emile Wennekes (editor), Tzung-Pei Hong (editor), Alicja Wieczorkowska (editor), 2021
New Perspectives on Enterprise Decision-Making Applying Artificial Intelligence Techniques
Julian Andres Zapata-Cortes (editor), Giner Alor-Hernández (editor), Cuauhtémoc Sánchez-Ramírez (editor), Jorge Luis García-Alcaraz (editor), 2021
Proceedings of International Conference on Scientific and Natural Computing: Proceedings of SNC 2021
Dipti Singh (editor), Amit K. Awasthi (editor), Ivan Zelinka (editor), Kusum Deep (editor), 2021
The SAGE Handbook of Marxism
Bev Skeggs (editor), Sara Farris (editor), Alberto Toscano (editor), Svenja Bromberg (editor), 2022
Intelligent Manufacturing and Energy Sustainability: Proceedings of ICIMES 2021
A. N. R. Reddy (editor), Deepak Marla (editor), Margarita N. Favorskaya (editor), Suresh Chandra Satapathy (editor), 2021
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Business and Finance: Modern Trends
Vikas Garg (editor), Shalini Aggarwal (editor), Pooja Tiwari (editor), Prasenjit Chatterjee (editor), 2021
Inventive Systems and Control: Proceedings of ICISC 2021
V. Suma (editor), Joy Iong-Zong Chen (editor), Zubair Baig (editor), Haoxiang Wang (editor), 2021
International Virtual Conference on Industry 4.0: Select Proceedings of IVCI4.0 2020
R. Jagadeesh Kannan (editor), S. Geetha (editor), Sravanthi Sashikumar (editor), Carl Diver (editor), 2021
Handbook of Particle Detection and Imaging
Ivor Fleck (editor), Maxim Titov (editor), Claus Grupen (editor), Irène Buvat (editor), 2021
Sabiston textbook of surgery : the biological basis of modern surgical practice
Jr. Courtney M. Townsend (editor); B. Mark Evers (editor); Kenneth L. Mattox (editor); R. Daniel Beauchamp (editor), 2017
Web and Big Data: 5th International Joint Conference, APWeb-WAIM 2021, Guangzhou, China, August 23–25, 2021, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Leong Hou U (editor), Marc Spaniol (editor), Yasushi Sakurai (editor), Junying Chen (editor), 2021
The Law of Energy Underground: Understanding New Developments in Subsurface Production, Transmission, and Storage
Donald N. Zillman (editor), Aileen McHarg (editor), Adrian Bradbrook (editor), Lila Barrera-Hernandez (editor), 2014
Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias in Children and Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
Edward P. Walsh (editor), George F. Van Hare (editor), Paul Khairy (editor), Mohammad Shenasa (editor), 2022