کتاب های Owen Miller

Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry
James N. Miller, Jane C. Miller, Robert D. Miller, 2018
Contending with Terrorism: Roots, Strategies, and Responses (International Security Readers)
Michael E. Brown, Owen R. Cote Jr., Sean M. Lynn-Jones, Steven E. Miller, 2010
The Roots of African American Drama: An Anthology of Early Plays, 1858-1938
James V. Hatch, Leo Hamalian, George C Wolfe, William Wells Brown, Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins, Katherine D. Chapman Tillman, Mary Burrill, Jodie Edwards, Susie Edwards, Willis Richardson, Zora Neale Hurston, Joseph S. Mitchell, Shirley Graham, George A. Towns, May Miller, Owen Vincent Dodson, Abram Hill, 1990
Selected Writings of Han Yongun: From Social Darwinism to ‘Socialism with a Buddhist Face’
Han Yongun (author), Owen Miller, Vladimir Tikhonov (editors, 2008
Fetal Cardiology A Prctical approach to diagnosis and management
John Simpson, Vita Zidere, Owen I. Miller, 2018
Nationalism and Ethnic Conflict
Michael E. Brown (Editor), Owen R. Jr Cote (Editor), Sean M. Lynn-Jones (Editor), Steven E. Miller (Editor), 2001
Cochlear Implants: Models of the Electrically Stimulated Ear
Josef M. Miller, Francis A. Spelman (auth.), Josef M. Miller, Francis A. Spelman (eds.), 1990
Armenia: Portraits of Survival and Hope
Donald E. Miller, Lorna Touryan Miller, 2003
Audel Complete Building Construction
Mark Richard Miller, Rex Miller, Eugene Leger, 2004
Audel Plumbers Pocket Manual
Rex Miller, Mark Richard Miller, Joseph P. Almond Sr., 2004
Audel Plumber’s Pocket Manual
Rex Miller, Mark Richard Miller, Joseph P. Almond Sr., 2004
Audel Air Conditioning Home and Commercial
Miller R., Miller M.R., Anderson E.P., 2004
Audel Air Conditioning Home and Commercial
Rex Miller, Mark Richard Miller, Edwin P. Anderson, 2004
HVAC License Exam Study Guides
Miller R., Miller M. R., 2007
America's International Trade: A Reference Handbook (Contemporary World Issues)
E. Willard Miller & Ruby M. Miller, 1995
Survivors: An Oral History of the Armenian Genocide
Donald E. Miller, Lorna Touryan Miller, 1999
Biomechanics of the Brain
Karol Miller (auth.), Karol Miller (eds.), 2011
Audel Air Conditioning Home and Commercial
Rex Miller, Mark Richard Miller, Edwin P. Anderson, 2004
Estadistica y Quimiometria Para Quimica Analitica
James Miller, Jane C. Miller, 2005
Digital Watermarking
Ingemar Cox, Matthew Miller, Jeffrey Bloom, Mathew Miller, 2001
Digital Watermarking
Ingemar Cox, Matthew Miller, Jeffrey Bloom, Mathew Miller, 2001
Electricity and Electronics for HVAC
Rex Miller, Mark Miller, 2007
Electricity and Electronics for HVAC
Rex Miller, Mark R. Miller, 2007
Audel Pumps
Rex Miller, Mark Richard Miller, Harry L. Stewart, 2004