کتاب های Owen Perry B.sc.

Everything I Love to Cook
Neil Perry, 2021
Transiciones de la antigüedad al feudalismo
Anderson Perry, 1997
Vexy Thing: On Gender and Liberation
Imani Perry, 2018
Beyond Regimes: China and India Compared
Prasenjit Duara (editor), Elizabeth J. Perry (editor), 2018
El Estado Absolutista
Perry Anderson, 1998
Vexy Thing: On Gender and Liberation
Imani Perry, 2018
Jimi Hendrix's Electric Ladyland
John Perry, 2004
Civilização Ocidental - Uma história concisa
Marvin Perry, 1999
A pörgettyű
John Perry
Structural Identification and Damage Detection using Genetic Algorithms
Michael John Perry; Chan Ghee Koh, 2010
The World Of Knots: Useful Knot Techniques And Tips For Everybody
Imani Perry, 2019
Respiratory Biology of Animals: evolutionary and functional morphology
Steven F. Perry, Markus Lambertz, Anke Schmitz, 2019
Voices of emergency : an all India anthology of protest poetry of the 1975-77 emergency
John Oliver Perry, 1983
Ethnic and Religious Diversity in Myanmar: Contested Identities
Perry Schmidt-Leukel (editor), Hans-Peter Grosshans (editor), Madlen Krueger (editor), 2021
Patrolling the Revolution: Worker Militias, Citizenship, and the Modern Chinese State
Elizabeth J. Perry, 2006
Scents and flavors : a Syrian cookbook
Charles Perry; Claudia Roden, 2020
A History of Western Society, Volume 1
Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks, Clare Haru Crowston, Joe Perry, John P. McKay, 2019