کتاب های P. M. Michèle Daviau

Excavations at Tall Jawa, Jordan, Volume 1: The Iron Age Town (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East)
P. M. Michele Daviau, Paul-Eugene Dion, Ronald G. V. Hancock, David Hemsworth, Margaret A. Judd, Ryan Defonzo, Douglas W. Schnurrenberger, 2003
Excavations at Tall Jawa, Jordan: Volume 2: The Iron Age Artefacts (Culture and History of the Ancient Near East)
P. M. Michèle Daviau, Paul-Eugène Dion, David Hemsworth, Neil Mirau, David S. Reese, 2002
The World of the Aramaeans I: Biblical Studies in Honour of Paul-Eugene Dion (JSOT Supplement Series)
P.M. Michele Daviau, 2001
A Wayside Shrine in Northern Moab: Excavations in the Wadi Ath-Thamad
P. M. Michele Daviau; Margreet L. Steiner, 2017