کتاب های P. Mark Fackler

Good News: Social Ethics and the Press (Communication and Society)
Clifford G. Christians, John P. Ferré, P. Mark Fackler, 1993
Etica mass-media : studii de caz
Clifford G. Christians, Mark Fackler, Kim B. Rotzoll, Kathy B. McKee ; traducere coordonata de Ruxandra Boicu., 2001.
Optoelectronic Properties of Inorganic Compounds
Gary M. Gray, Christopher M. Lawson (auth.), D. Max Roundhill, John P. Fackler Jr. (eds.), 1999
Inorganic Syntheses
John P. Fackler, 1982
Inorganic Syntheses, Vol. 21
John P. Fackler, 1982
Irene Fackler
Techniques in inorganic chemistry
John P Fackler, 2011
Symmetry in Coordination Chemistry
John P. Fackler, 1971
Media Ethics: Cases and Moral Reasoning
Christians, Fackler, Richardson, and Kreshel