کتاب های Pamela

El cacao en Bolivia. Una alternativa económica de base campesina indígena
Oscar Bazoberry, Coraly Salazar, Olver Vaca, Shigeru Matsuzaki, Armengol Caballero, Juan Gutiérrez, Rolando Cuellar, Pamela Cartagena, Iván San Miguel, 2008
El cacao en Bolivia: una alternativa económica de base campesina indígena
Oscar Bazoberry Chali, Coraly Salazar, Olver Vaca, Shigeru Matsuzaki, Armengol Caballero, Juan Gutiérrez, Rolando Cuellar, Pamela Cartagena, Iván San Miguel, 2008
Food Over Medicine: The Conversation That Could Save Your Life
Pamela A. Popper, Glen Merzer, Del Sroufe, 2013
Desmitificando la agricultura familiar en la economía rural boliviana: caracterización, contribución e implicaciones
Stanislaw Czaplicki, Pamela Cartagena, Carmelo Peralta, 2021
Cultura afroperuana. Encuentro de investigadores 2019
Silvia Rodríguez, Luis de Jesús Reyes, Juan Pozada, José Vidal, Brendan Weaver, Miguel Fhon, Samanta Calle, Silvia Almeida,Zoila Reyes, Juan Miranda, Miguel Guardia, Sharún Gonzales, Jorge Ramírez, Angie Campos, Manuel Barrós, Daniel Mathews, Richard Leonardo-Loayza, Pamela Jiménez, 2020
Food and culture
Pamela Goyan Kittler, Kathryn P. Sucher, 2007
Using Analytics to Detect Possible Fraud: Tools and Techniques
Pamela S. Mantone(eds.), 2013
Sketchbook Confidential 2: Enter the secret worlds of 41 master artists
Pamela Wissman, 2012
Poetic Resistance: English Women Writers and the Early Modern Lyric
Pamela Hammons, 2020
Simplicius: On Aristotle Physics 1.3-4
Simplicius, C.C.W. Taylor, Pamela M. Huby (transl.), 2011
An Introduction to Critical Criminology
Ugwudike, Pamela, 2015
Evidence-Based Skills in Criminal Justice: International Research on Supporting Rehabilitation and Desistance
Ugwudike, Pamela; Raynor, Peter, 2017
Gypsy Moon
Pamela Rose Anders, 2011
Ways of Making and Knowing: The Material Culture of Empirical Knowledge (Bard Graduate Center - Cultural Histories of the Material World)
Pamela H. Smith (editor), Amy R.W. Meyers (editor), Professor Harold J. Cook (editor), 2017
Gatekeeping Theory
Pamela J. Shoemaker; Timothy Vos, 2009
Gender, Crime and Victimisation
Pamela Davies, 2017
Oktober Koning
Pamela Sharon, 2022
When the Moon Turns Blue
Pamela Terry, 2023
Daughter of Empire: My Life as a Mountbatten
Lady Pamela Hicks, 2023
Love, Pamela
Pamela Anderson
The York Mystery Cycle and the Worship of the City (Westfield Medieval Studies)
Pamela M. King, 2006