کتاب های Pan W.

China’s Rise and Rethinking International Relations Theory
Chengxin Pan (editor), Emilian Kavalski (editor), 2022
Sino-Christian Theology: A Theological Qua Cultural Movement in Contemporary China
Pan-chiu Lai (editor), Jason Lam (editor), 2010
Higher Education and China’s Global Rise: A Neo-tributary Perspective
Su-Yan Pan, Joe Tin Yau Lo, 2018
1500 Chinese Design Motifs
Pan Wuhua, 2012
Sui Dialect Research
Andy Castro, Pan Xingwen, 2015
China's Climate Change Policies
Wang Weiguang; Guoguang Zheng; Pan Jiahua, 2012
Big Data and Security: Third International Conference, ICBDS 2021, Shenzhen, China, November 26–28, 2021, Proceedings (Communications in Computer and Information Science)
Yuan Tian (editor), Tinghuai Ma (editor), Muhammad Khurram Khan (editor), Victor S. Sheng (editor), Zhaoqing Pan (editor), 2022
A Definitive Guide to Apache ShardingSphere: Transform any DBMS into a distributed database with sharding, scaling, encryption features, and more
Trista Pan, Zhang Liang, Yacine Si Tayeb, 2022
A Definitive Guide to Apache ShardingSphere: Transform any DBMS into a distributed database with sharding, scaling, encryption features, and more
Trista Pan, Zhang Liang, Yacine Si Tayeb, 2022
Broadband Communications, Computing, and Control for Ubiquitous Intelligence (Wireless Networks)
Lin Cai (editor), Brian L. Mark (editor), Jianping Pan (editor), 2022
Hencky Bar-chain/Net for Structural Analysis
C. M. Wang, H. Zhang, N. Challamel, W. H. Pan, 2020
Resistor-based Temperature Sensors in CMOS Technology
Sining Pan, Kofi A.A. Makinwa, 2022
Propagation of SLF/ELF Electromagnetic Waves
Weiyan Pan, Kai Li (auth.), 2014
Linear Programming Computation
Ping-Qi Pan, 2023
Fatigue Testing and Analysis - Theory and Practice
Lee, Yung-Li; Pan, Jwo; Hathaway, Richard B.; Barkey, Mark E., 2005
Bioeconomy: Theory and Practice
Aihua Pan, 2023
Accelerating Digital Transformation of SMEs
Poh-sun Seow, Clarence Goh, Yuanto Kusnadi, Benjamin Lee, Gary S C Pan, 2023
Bayesian Adaptive Design for Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy
Haitao Pan, Ying Yuan, 2023
East-West Dialogue in Knowledge and Higher Education
Ruth Hayhoe, Julia Pan, 1996
Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications: 17th International Conference, BIC-TA 2022, Wuhan, China, December 16–18, 2022, Revised Selected Papers
Linqiang Pan, Dongming Zhao, Lianghao Li, Jianqing Lin, 2023
Statement of the Natives of Korytsa and Kolonia
Members of the Pan-Epirotic Union in America, 1919