کتاب های Patricia A. Zapf

Ancient Epistolary Fictions: The Letter in Greek Literature
Patricia A. Rosenmeyer, 2001
Art & Architecture Thesaurus: User’s Guide to the AAT Data Releases
Patricia Harpring
Data Collection: Planning for and Collecting All Types of Data (Measurement and Evaluation Series)
Cathy Stawarski, Patricia Pullian Phillips, 2008
South Carolina Math Connects: Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving, Course 3
Day, Roger; Frey, Patricia; Howard, Arthur C; Hutchens, Deborah A; Luchin, Beatrice; McClain, Kay, 2008
Type-2 fuzzy logic theory and applications
Oscar Castillo, Patricia Melin, 2008
A Developmental Model of Borderline Personality Disorder: Understanding Variations in Course and Outcome
Patricia Hoffman Judd, Thomas H. McGlashan, 2002
Anatomia Humana
Elaine Marieb, Patricia Wilhelm, Jon Mallatt, 2014
The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations
John Baylis, Steve Smith, Patricia Owens, 2001
Equine Dentistry: A Practical Guide
Patricia Pence, 2002
Alzheimer's Disease: A Handbook for Caregivers, Family, and Friends
Patricia Callone, Barbara Vasiloff, Roger Brumback, Janaan Manternach, Connie Kudlacek, B.S., Connie, 2005
Blueprint for Your Library Marketing Plan: A Guide to Help You Survive And Thrive
Patricia H. Fisher, Marseille M. Pride, Ellen G. Miller, 2009
Cancer Vaccines: Methods and Protocols
Michael J.P. Lawman, Patricia D. Lawman (eds.), 2014
The Biology of Schwann Cells: Development, Differentiation and Immunomodulation
Patricia Armati, 2007
Optimal healing: a guide to traditional Chinese medicine
Patricia Tsang, 2008
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (American Academy of Neurology)
M.D. Robert G. Miller, M.D. Deborah Gelinas, RN Patricia O'Connor, 2004
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (American Academy of Neurology)
Robert G. Miller, Deborah Gelinas, Patricia O'Connor,, 2004
Bimanual Phaco
Patricia A. Broderick, David N. Rahni, Edwin H. Kolodny, 2005
Bioimaging in Neurodegeneration
Patricia A. Broderick, David N. Rahni, Edwin H. Kolodny, 2005
Cancer Survivorship: Today and Tomorrow
Patricia A. Ganz, 2007
Drugs into Bodies: Global AIDS Treatment Activism
Raymond A. Smith, Patricia D. Siplon, 2006