کتاب های Patricia Anne

Intermediate Listening Comprehension: Understanding and Recalling Spoken English
Patricia A. Dunkel, Phyllis L. Lim, 2005
In Search of the Missing: Working with Search and Rescue Dogs
Mick McCarthy, Patricia Ahern, 2011
Facing Global Environmental Change: Environmental, Human, Energy, Food, Health and Water Security Concepts
Hans Günter Brauch (auth.), Hans Günter Brauch, Úrsula Oswald Spring, John Grin, Czeslaw Mesjasz, Patricia Kameri-Mbote, Navnita Chadha Behera, Béchir Chourou, Heinz Krummenacher (eds.), 2009
Exercise Personal Training 101
Michael Chia, Patricia Wong, 2012
Microbiological Methods
Christopher Herbert Collins, Patricia M. Lyne, 2004
Exercise Stress Testing for Primary Care and Sports Medicine
Francis G. O’Connor, Matthew T. Kunar, Patricia A. Deuster (auth.), Corey H. Evans MD, MPH, Russell D. White MD (eds.), 2009
Exercise Stress Testing for Primary Care and Sports Medicine
Francis G. O’Connor, Matthew T. Kunar, Patricia A. Deuster (auth.), Corey H. Evans MD, MPH, Russell D. White MD (eds.), 2009
Entscheidungsorientierte psychologische Gutachten für das Familiengericht
Professor Dr. Karl Westhoff, Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Patricia Terlinden-Arzt, Dr. Dipl.-Psych. Antje Klüber (auth.), 2000
Armati - marsupials
Aging: Culture, Health, and Social Change
Patricia M. Thane (auth.), David N. Weisstub, David C. Thomasma, Serge Gauthier, George F. Tomossy (eds.), 2001
Spaceships, Aliens, and Robots You Can Draw (Ready, Set, Draw!)
Nicole Brecke, Patricia M. Stockland, 2010
New Smart Materials via Metal Mediated Macromolecular Engineering
Laura Mueller, Patricia Golas, Krzysztof Matyjaszewski (auth.), Ezat Khosravi, Yusuf Yagci, Yuri Savelyev (eds.), 2009
Aus Bundesgrenzschutz wird Bundespolizei: Entwicklung einer deutschen Polizeiorganisation des Bundes aus organisationssoziologischer Perspektive
Patricia M. Schütte-Bestek (auth.), 2015
Clinical Applications for Motor Control
Patricia C. Montgomery, Barbara H. Connolly, 2002
Diagnostic Imaging: Head and Neck
Ric Harnsberger, Patricia Hudgins, Richard Wiggins, Christian Davidson, 2004
Diagnostic Imaging: Head and Neck
Ric Harnsberger, Patricia Hudgins, Richard Wiggins, Christian Davidson, 2004
Archaeology in the digital era: papers from the 40th Annual Conference of Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA), Southampton, 26-29 March 2012
Graeme Earl, Tim Sly, Angeliki Chrysanthi, Patricia Murrieta-Flores, Constantinos Papadopoulos, Iza Romanowska, David Wheatley (editors), 2014
Investment Counseling for Private Clients III
Janet T. Miller, James E. Hughes Jr., Darryl L. Meyers, Jean L.P. Brunel, Scott D. Welch, Robert N. Gordon, David M. Stein, Lee N. Price, Gregory R. Friedman, Lawrence J. Macklin, Patricia M. Thompson, David F. Lamere, 2001
Understanding and Treating Chronic Shame: A Relational/Neurobiological Approach
Patricia A. DeYoung, 2015
Understanding and Treating Chronic Shame: A Relational/Neurobiological Approach
DeYoung, Patricia A, 2015
Understanding and Treating Chronic Shame: A Relational/Neurobiological Approach
DeYoung, Patricia A, 2015
Soundings in Atlantic History: Latent Structures and Intellectual Currents, 1500-1830
Bernard Bailyn, Patricia L. Denault, Stephen D. Behrendt, Linda Heywood, John Thornton, David Hancock, Wim Klooster, J. Gabriel MartAnez-Serna, Rosalind Beiler, Jorge CaA±izares-Esguerra, Neil Safier, Londa Schiebinger, Mark A. Peterson, Beatriz DA?vilo, Emma Rothschild, 2009
A History of World Societies, Combined Volume
John P. McKay, Bennett D. Hill, John Buckler, Patricia Buckley Ebrey, Roger B. Beck, Clare Haru Crowston, Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks, 2011
British Devolution and European Policy-Making: Transforming Britain into Multi-Level Governance
Simon Bulmer, Martin Burch, Caitriona Carter, Patricia Hogwood, 2003