کتاب های Patricia Park

In This Moment: Five Steps to Transcending Stress Using Mindfulness and Neuroscience
Kirk D. Strosahl PhD, Patricia J. Robinson PhD, 2015
Ethnocultural Perspectives on Disaster and Trauma: Foundations, Issues, and Applications (International and Cultural Psychology)
Anthony J. Marsella, Jeanette L. Johnson, Patricia Watson, Jan Gryczynski, 2007
Catastrophe Modeling: A New Approach to Managing Risk
Patricia Grossi, Howard Kunreuther, 2004
Hybrid Intelligent Systems for Pattern Recognition Using Soft Computing: An Evolutionary Approach for Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems
Patricia Melin, Oscar Castillo, 2005
Access 2003 VBA Programmer’s Reference
Patricia Cardoza, Teresa Hennig, Graham Seach, Armen Stein, 2004
Introduction to Information Systems
Patricia Wallace, 2014
Analysis and Design of Intelligent Systems using Soft Computing Techniques
Lotfi A. Zadeh (auth.), Patricia Melin, Oscar Castillo, Eduardo Gomez Ramírez, Janusz Kacprzyk, Witold Pedrycz (eds.), 2007
Adventure Guide to Champlain and Hudson River Valleys
Robert Foulke, Patricia Foulke, 2003
Continental Margin Sedimentation: From Sediment Transport to Sequence Stratigraphy
Charles A. Nittrouer, James A. Austin, Michael E. Field, Joseph H. Kravitz, James P. M. Syvitski, Patricia L. Wiberg, 2007
Mastering Your PhD: Survival and Success in the Doctoral Years and Beyond
Patricia A. Gosling, Bart D. Noordam,, 2006
Best Practices in ELL Instruction (Solving Problems in the Teaching of Literacy)
PhD Guofang Li, Patricia A. Edwards, Lee Gunderson, 2010
Equity in the Classroom: Towards Effective Pedagogy for Girls and Boys
Caroline Gipps, Patricia Murphy, 1996
Non-Drug Treatments for ADHD: New Options for Kids, Adults, and Clinicians
Richard P. Brown, Patricia L. Gerbarg, 2012
A Witch's Beverages and Brews
Patricia Telesco, 2009
Canine and Feline Nephrology and Urology, Second Edition
Dennis J. Chew DVMDACVIM, Stephen P. DiBartola DVMDACVIM, Patricia Schenck DVMPhD, 2010
Turbulence in the American Workplace
Peter B. Doeringer, Kathleen Christensen, Patricia M. Flynn, Douglas T. Hall, Harry C. Katz, Jeffrey H. Keefe, Christopher J. Ruhm, Andrew M. Sum, Michael Useem, 1991
Wide Awake: A Memoir of Insomnia
Patricia Morrisroe, 2010
Soybean and Wheat Crops: Growth, Fertilization, and Yield (Agriculture Issues and Policies Series)
Samuel Davies, George Evans, Antonia Elenir A. Oliveira, Katia V. S. Fernandes, Amanda J. Souza, Patricia O. Santos, N. Katerji, 2009
Innovative Concepts for Autonomic and Agent-Based Systems: Second International Workshop on Radical Agent Concepts, WRAC 2005, Greenbelt, MD, USA, September 20-22, 2005. Revised Papers
Karin Breitman, Walt Truszkowski (auth.), Michael G. Hinchey, Patricia Rago, James L. Rash, Christopher A. Rouff, Roy Sterritt, Walt Truszkowski (eds.), 2006
Emperor Huizong and Late Northern Song China: The Politics of Culture and the Culture of Politics
Patricia Buckley Ebrey, Maggie Bickford, Peter K. Bol, John W. Chaffee, Shin-yi Chao, Ronald C. Egan, Asaf Goldschmidt, Charles Hartman, Tsuyoshi Kojima, Joseph S. C. Lam, Ari Daniel Levine, Paul Jakov Smith, Stephen H. West, 2006
Encyclopedia of Products & Industries - Manufacturing
Patricia J. Bungert, 2007
Practical Strategies in Pediatric Diagnosis and Therapy 2nd Edition
Robert Kliegman, Laurence Greenbaum, Patricia Lye, 2004
Unsettled Pasts: Reconceiving The West Through Women's
Sarah Carter, Lesley Erickson, Patricia Roome, Char Smith, 2006