کتاب های Patricia Zapf

Marriage and Inequality in Chinese Society (1991)
Rubie S. Watson and Patricia Buckley Ebrey., 1991
Marriage and Inequality in Chinese Society
Rubie S. Watson, Patricia Buckley Ebrey, 1991
Method Meets Art, Second Edition
Patricia Leavy
Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD
Patricia A. Resick & Candice M. Monson & Kathleen M. Chard
Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for College Teachers (Second Edition) (The Jossey-Bass Higher and Adult Education Series)
Thomas A. Angelo & K. Patricia Cross
Developing and Managing Your School Guidance and Counseling Program
Norman C. Gysbers & Patricia Henderson
Reigns of Terror
Patricia Marchak, 2003
Leading and Managing in Nursing - E-Book
Patricia S. Yoder-Wise
Play at the Center of the Curriculum
Judith L. Van Hoorn; Patricia Monighan Nourot; Barbara Scales; Keith Rodriguez Alward, 2014
Tenkō: Ideology and Societal Integration in Prewar Japan
Patricia Golden Steinhoff, 1991
Cases in Public Relations Management
Patricia Swann
Mary Astell: Theorist of Freedom from Domination
Patricia Springborg, 2005
Primary Care - E-Book
Terry Mahan Buttaro & JoAnn Trybulski & Patricia Polgar-Bailey & Joanne Sandberg-Cook
Fundamentals Success
Nugent, Patricia; Vitale, Barbara
Networks of Power: Political Relations in the Late Postclassic Naco Valley
Edward Schortman, Patricia Urban, 2011
The Ordering of Justice: A Study of Accused Persons as Dependants in the Criminal Process
Richard V. Ericson, Patricia M. Baranek, 1982
Critical Care Nursing: A Holistic Approach
Patricia G. Morton & Dorrie K. Fontaine
Leading and Managing in Nursing - E-Book
Patricia S. Yoder-Wise
The Purposeful Argument: A Practical Guide
Harry Phillips, Patricia Bostian, 2015
Kuby Immunology
Jenni Punt, Sharon Stranford, Patricia Jones, Judith A Owen, 2018
Disability Psychotherapy: An Innovative Approach to Trauma-informed Care
Patricia Frankish, 2015
Race, Class, & Gender: An Anthology
Margaret L. Andersen; Patricia Hill Collins, 2015
Human Resource Management
Robert L. Mathis; John H. Jackson; Sean R. Valentine; Patricia Meglich, 2016