کتاب های Paul Asay

High-pressure shock compression of solids
Asay J.R., 1993
Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control: Recommended Practices
Asay, Stuart F., 2015
The Primitivist Theory of Truth
Jamin Asay, 2017
Family Resource Management
Tami J. Moore & Sylvia M. Asay
A Theory of Truthmaking
Jamin Asay, 2020
Clinical Exercise Physiology
Jonathan K Ehrman, Paul M. Gordon, Paul S. Visich, Steven J. Keteyian, Dr Jonathan Ehrman (editor), Paul Gordon (editor), Paul Visich (editor), Dr Steven Keteyian (editor), 2018
A More Conservative Place : Intellectual Culture in the Bush Era
Paul A. Bové; Paul A. Bové; Paul A Bova, 2013
Basic clinical neuroscience
Paul A. Young, Paul H. Young, Daniel L. Tolbert, 2008
Regulation of Gene Expression and Brain Function
Paul J. Harrison (auth.), Dr. Paul J. Harrison (eds.), 1994
Database Support for Workflow Management: The WIDE Project
Paul Grefen, Peter Apers (auth.), Paul Grefen, Barbara Pernici, Gabriel Sánchez, Jochem Vonk, Erik Boertjes (eds.), 1999
Dynamic Business Process Formation for Instant Virtual Enterprises
Nikolay Mehandjiev, Paul Grefen, Santi Ristol (auth.), Nikolay Mehandjiev, Paul Grefen (eds.), 2010
Microfluidics for Medical Applications
Albert van den Berg, Loes Segerink, Paul O'Brien, Ralph Nuzzo, Joao Rocha, Xiaogang Liu, A Khademhosseinni, K. Suh, F. Wolbers, R. Meissner, D Lohse, A. M. de Jong, Shuichi Takayama, Paul Yager, L. Terstappen, H. Morgan, Gabor Kovacs, Steven Staal, 2014
A Case-Based Approach to Pacemakers, ICDs, and Cardiac Resynchronization: Advanced Questions for Examination Review and Clinical Practice - Volume 2
Paul A. Friedman, Paul A. Friedman, David L. Hayes, Samuel J. Asirvatham, Melissa A. Rott, Anita Wokhlu, 2013
Embedded FreeBSD Cookbook
Paul Cevoli Paul Cevoli is an embedded systems engineer and programmer with over 15 years of experience with various embedded operating systems., 2003
Embedded FreeBSD cookbook
Paul Cevoli Paul Cevoli is an embedded systems engineer and programmer with over 15 years of experience with various embedded operating systems., 2003
Embedded FreeBSD Cookbook
Paul Cevoli Paul Cevoli is an embedded systems engineer and programmer with over 15 years of experience with various embedded operating systems., 2002
Embedded FreeBSD Cookbook (Embedded Technology)
Paul Cevoli Paul Cevoli is an embedded systems engineer and programmer with over 15 years of experience with various embedded operating systems., 2002
Embedded FreeBSD Cookbook (Embedded Technology)
Paul Cevoli Paul Cevoli is an embedded systems engineer and programmer with over 15 years of experience with various embedded operating systems., 2002
Embedded FreeBSD Cookbook (Embedded Technology)
Paul Cevoli Paul Cevoli is an embedded systems engineer and programmer with over 15 years of experience with various embedded operating systems., 2002
Ventricular Arrhythmias and Sudden Cardiac Death: Mechanism, Ablation, and Defibrillation
Paul J. Wang MD, Henry H. Hsia, Amin Al-Ahmad, Paul C. Zei, 2008
Technosophy: Strategic Approaches to the Assessment and Management of Manufacturing Technology Innovation
Paul Levy, Mihael Junkar (auth.), Paul Levy, Mihael Junkar (eds.), 2001
Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik und Elektronik 1: Gleichstromnetzwerke und ihre Anwendungen
Steffen Paul, Reinhold Paul (auth.), 2010