کتاب های Paul Dehn

Atmospheric Aerosols and Nucleation
Paul E. Wagner, Gabor Vali, 1988
Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols 1996
Markku Kulmala, Paul E. Wagner, 1996
Pesticides in the Atmosphere Distribution Trends
Michael S. Majewski, Paul D. Capel.
I princìpi della meccanica quantistica
Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, 1976
Lectures on quantum mechanics
Dirac Paul A.M., 2001
The Principles of Quantum Mechanics (Fourth Edition, Revised)
Paul A. M. Dirac, 1967
Advanced Quantum Theory
Paul Roman, 1965
Advanced Quantum Theory
Paul Roman, 1965
An interpretive introduction to quantum field theory
Paul Teller, 1994
An Interpretive Introduction to Quantum Field Theory
Paul Teller, 1995
Creep of crystals
Jean-Paul Poirier, 1985
Einstein et Poincare : Sur les traces de la relativite
Jean-Paul Auffray
Le principe de relativité
Paul Langevin, 1922
An introduction to Kolmogorov complexity and its applications
Ming Li, Paul Vitanyi, 1997
Cycling and Society (Transport and Society)
Dave Horton, Paul Rosen and Peter Cox, 2007
Fit & Well: Core Concepts and Labs in Physical Fitness and Wellness
Thomas Fahey, Paul Insel, Walton Roth, 2014
Salmon Fishing in the Yemen
Paul Torday, 2007
Government Survival in Parliamentary Democracies
Paul Warwick, 1995
How to Start a Business in New York (Legal Survival Guides)
Paul W. Barnard, Mark Warda, 2002
Survival Analysis Using SAS: A Practical Guide
Paul D. Allison, 1995
A Safe Place for Caleb: An Interactive Book for Kids, Teens and Adults with Issues of Attachment, Grief, Loss or Early Trauma
Kathleen A. Chara, Paul J. Chara Jr., 2005