کتاب های Paul E. Wagner

A Matemática do Ensino Médio
Elon Lages Lima, Paulo Cezar Pinto Carvalho,Eduardo Wagner,Augusto César Morgado, 2005
Jovem, Vós Sois a Nossa Esperança
Anderson Wagner, 2013
Data Mining and Machine Learning: Fundamental Concepts and Algorithms (Instructor's Lectures, Solution Manual) (Solutions)
Mohammed J. Zaki, Wagner MeiraJr, 2020
Women Writing Wonder: An Anthology of Subversive Nineteenth-Century British, French, and German Fairy Tales
Shandi Lynne Wagner (editor) Julie L. J. Koehler (editor), 2021
The Lessons of Modern War Volume IV: The Gulf War
Anthony H. Cordesman; Abraham R. Wagner, 1996
On the Typology of Negation in Ob-Ugric and Samoyedic Languages
Beáta Wagner-Nagy, 2011
Transforming Distressed Global Communities: Making Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable Cities
Fritz Wagner; Riad Mahayni; Andreas Piller, 2016
La logique
Wagner P., 2007
Moroccan Dreams: Oriental Myth, Colonial Legacy
Claudio Minca; Lauren Wagner, 2016
The Cincinnati Human Relations Commission: A History, 1943–2013
Phillip J. Obermiller; Thomas E. Wagner; Michael E. Maloney, 2017
Tales of royalty : notions of kingship in visual and textual narration in the Ancient Near East
Julia Linke (editor); Elisabeth Wagner-Durand (editor), 2020
Charaktere symmetrischer und monomialer Gruppen als Polynomfunktionen
Bernd Wagner, 1979
Robokratie Google, das Silicon-Valley und der Mensch als Auslaufmodell
Thomas Wagner, 2016
Openism: Conversations on Open Hardware
Wagner, Newman, Tarasiewicz & Wuschitz (Eds.), 2016
Neueste Reisen und Entdeckungen in West-Afrika
Hermann Wagner (ed.), 1863
Rationality Reconsidered: Ortega y Gasset and Wittgenstein on Knowledge, Belief, and Practice
Astrid Wagner; Jose Maria Ariso, 2016
Manual de dialectología hispánica. El español de América
Manuel Alvar (ed.), Manuel Alvar, Paola Bentivoglio, Rocío Caravedo, Carlos Coello, Carlos Córdova, Nélisa Donni de Mirande, Juan Frago, Juan Lope Blanch, José Montes, Dan Munteanu, Miguel Quesada, Antonio Quilis, Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga, Mercedes Sedano, María Vaquero, Claudio Wagner (auts.), 1996
Moroccan Dreams: Oriental Myth, Colonial Legacy
Minca Claudio; Lauren Wagner, 2016
The Caribbean in World Affairs: The Foreign Policies of the English-Speaking States
Jacqueline Anne Braveboy-Wagner, 2019
Richard Wagner. Persönlichkeit, Werk und Wirkung
Leipziger Beiträge zur Wagner-Forschung, 2013
Javier Pulgar Vidal. Geógrafo del Perú
Adriana Flores, Alberto Wagner, Hildegardo Córdova, Nicole Bernex, Margarita Guerra, 1999
Music as Propaganda in the German Reformation
Rebecca Wagner Oettinger, 2017
El poder de la palabra. Homenaje a Víctor Andrés Belaunde
José del Busto, Luis Jaime Cisneros, Domingo García, Felipe Mac Gregor SJ, Armando Nieto SJ, César Pacheco, José de la Puente Candamo, Alberto Wagner, Emilio Candela, Gonzalo Carrillo, Joseph Dager, José de la Puente Luna, Eduardo Torres, Margarita Guerra, 2004