کتاب های Paul Helm

Introduction to Biological Physics for the Health and Life Sciences
Kirsten Franklin, Paul Muir, Terry Scott, Lara Wilcocks, Paul Yates, 2019
First Find Your Child a Good Mother: The Construction of Self in Two African Communities
Paul Riesman; Suzanne Riesman; David L. Szanton; Lila Abu-Lughod; Sharon E. Hutchinson; Paul Stoller; Carol Trosset, 1992
Freedom in Fulani Social Life: An Introspective Ethnography
Paul Riesman & Paul Stoller, 1977
Proactive Support of Labor: The Challenge of Normal Childbirth
Reuwer, Paul; Bruinse, Hein; Franx, Arie; Reuwer, Paul; Bruinse, Hein; Franx, Arie, 2015
Ciber-comunismo: Planificación económica, computadoras y democracia
Paul Cockshott ; W. Paul Cockshott ; Maxi Nieto ; Maxi Nieto Ferrandez, 2017
Foundations of Mental Health Promotion
Manoj Sharma;Paul Branscum;; Paul W. Branscum, PhD, RD, FAAHB, 2020
Robert Lax
Paul J. Spaeth; Sigrid Hauff; Emil Antonucci; Paul J. Spaeth; Michael Philipp; Sigrid Hauff; Nicolas Humbert; Jack Kelly; Guido Magnaguagno, 2004
Reading Peer Review: PLOS ONE and Institutional Change in Academia
Martin Paul Eve, Cameron Neylon, Daniel Paul O’Donnell, Samuel Moore, Robert Gadie, Victoria Odeniyi, Shahina Parvin, 2021
Religion, Modernity, and Postmodernity
Paul Heelas; Paul M. Morris; David Martin, 1998
Detraditionalization : critical reflections on authority and identity : Conference entitled "Detraditionalization: authority and self in an age of cultural uncertainty" : Papers.
Paul M. Morris (editor); Paul Heelas (editor); Scott Lash (editor), 1996
The Liturgy Documents, Volume Four: Supplemental Documents for Parish Worship, Devotions, Formation and Catechesis
Mark E. Wedig; Joyce Ann Zimmerman; Corinna Laughlin; Wilton D. Gregory; John T. Pawlikowski; Paul Turner; Mark R. Francis; Michael R. Prendergast; J. Philip Horrigan; Paul F. Ford; Joseph DeGrocco; Ricky Manalo; Thomas P. Looney; Jo-Ann Metzdorff; Francis L. Agnoli; Patrick R. Lagges, 2014
[美]保罗‧巴兰; Paul A. Baran; 保罗‧斯威齐; Paul M. Sweezy; 南开大学政治经济学系(译), 1977
[美]保罗‧巴兰; Paul A. Baran; 保罗‧斯威齐; Paul M. Sweezy; 南开大学政治经济学系(译), 1977
Die Geschlechter der Thiere
Paul Julius Möbius, Paul Mobius, 1905
Geschlecht und Krankheit
Paul Julius Möbius, Paul Mobius, 1903
Uber die Wirkungen der Castration
Paul Julius Möbius, Paul Mobius, 1903
Goethe und Die Geschlechter
Paul Julius Möbius, Paul Mobius, 1903
Will War Ever End?: A Soldier's Vision of Peace for the 21st Century
Paul Chappell; Paul K. Chappell, 2011
The Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies
Geoffrey Wainwright;Paul McPartlan;; Paul McPartlan, 2021
Iberia and the Mediterranean World of the Middle Ages: Studies in Honor of Robert I. Burns
Larry J. Simon; Paul Edward Chevedden; Robert Ignatius Burns; Donald Joseph Kagay; Paul G. Padilla, 1996
Lonely Planet Caribbean Islands 8 (Travel Guide)
Paul Clammer, Marc Di Duca, Alex Egerton, Sarah Gilbert, Michael Grosberg, Paul Harding, Ashley Harrell, Mark Johanson, Anna Kaminski, Tom Masters, Brendan Sainsbury, Andrea Schulte-Peevers, Polly Thomas, Wendy Yanagihara, Stephanie d'Arc Taylor, 2021
The Watchdogs: Philosophers and the Established Order
Paul Nizan; Paul Fittingoff, 1972
How to Do Things with History: New Approaches to Ancient Greece
Allen, Danielle (editor), Christesen, Paul (editor), Millett, Paul (editor), 2018
Marxism, Last Refuge Of The Bourgeoisie?
Paul Mattick; Paul Mattick Jr., 1983