کتاب های Paul Luckey

Software Project Management For Dummies
Teresa Luckey, Joseph Phillips, 2006
Software Project Management For Dummies
Teresa Luckey, Joseph Phillips, 2006
Software Project Management For Dummies
Teresa Luckey, Joseph Phillips, 2006
Managing Your Business with Outlook 2003 For Dummies
Teresa Luckey, 2006
Computational biophysics of membrane proteins
Carmen Domene, Carmen Domene, Jonathan Hirst, Mary Luckey, Andrew Pohorille, Simone Furini, Amitabha Chattopadhyay, Ben Corry, Emad Tajkhorshid, Philip Biggin, 2016
The history of the future : Oculus, Facebook, and the revolution that swept virtual reality
Harris, Blake J.; Luckey, Palmer, 2019