کتاب های Pedersen, Lisa

A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy)
Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen, Stig Andur Pedersen, Vincent F. Hendricks, 2009
A Companion to the Philosophy of Technology (Blackwell Companions to Philosophy)
Jan Kyrre Berg Olsen, Stig Andur Pedersen, Vincent F. Hendricks, 2009
Multidimensional Databases and Data Warehousing (Synthesis Lectures on Data Management)
Christian S. Jensen, Torben Bach Pedersen, Christian Thomsen, 2010
Cell Growth and Oncogenesis
A. Rempel, S. P. Mathupala, P. L. Pedersen (auth.), Prof. Dr. med. Peter Bannasch, Prof. Dr. Darja Kanduc, Prof. Dr. Sergio Papa, Prof. J. M. Tager (eds.), 1998
A Survey of the Almagest: With Annotation and New Commentary by Alexander Jones
Olaf Pedersen (auth.), 2011
A Survey of the Almagest: With Annotation and New Commentary by Alexander Jones
Olaf Pedersen (auth.), 2011
90 Houses of the Twenties. Cottages, Bungalows and Colonials
Jens Pedersen, 2012
Pharmaceutical Chemical Analysis: Methods For Identification And Limit Tests
Ole Pedersen, 2006
Pharmaceutical Chemical Analysis: Methods for Identification and Limit Tests
Ole Pedersen, 2006
Beginning VB 2005 Databases: From Novice to Professional
Jacob Hammer Pedersen, 2007
Beginning VB 2005 Databases: From Novice to Professional
Jacob Hammer Pedersen, 2007
Beginning VB 2005 Databases: From Novice to Professional (Beginning: From Novice to Professional)
Jacob Hammer Pedersen, 2007
Properties of oils and natural gases
KS Pedersen
Globalization, Development and the State: The Performance of India and Brazil since 1990
Jørgen Dige Pedersen (auth.), 2008
Content, Expression and Structure: Studies in Danish Functional Grammar
Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen, 1996
Textbook of geriatric dentistry
Holm-Pedersen, Poul, 2015
Inclusive Cultural Empathy: Making Relationships Central in Counseling and Psychotherapy
Paul B. Pedersen, 2008
Agenda Setting, Policies, and Political Systems: A Comparative Approach
Christoffer Green-Pedersen, 2014
Why Blog?. Motivations for Blogging
Sarah Pedersen (Auth.), 2010
Truth and Pluralism: Current Debates
Nikolaj J.L.L. Pedersen, 2013
Mobility in daily life : between freedom and unfreedom
Freudendal-Pedersen, 2009