کتاب های Pete Jacobs

The Times winning moves
Keene, Raymond D.; Jacobs, Byron, 2003
Wartime Developments in Applied Climatology
W. C. Jacobs (auth.), 1947
Analyse to win
Jacobs, Byron, 1997
The city symphony phenomenon : cinema, art, and urban modernity between the wars
Hielscher, Eva; Jacobs, Steven; Kinik, Anthony, 2019
The city symphony phenomenon : cinema, art, and urban modernity between the wars
Hielscher, Eva; Jacobs, Steven; Kinik, Anthony, 2019
Curriculum 21: Essential Education for a Changing World (Professional Development)
Heidi Hayes Jacobs, 2010
The Routledge handbook of criminal justice ethics
Jackson, Jonathan; Jacobs, Jonathan A., 2017
The Routledge handbook of criminal justice ethics
Jackson, Jonathan; Jacobs, Jonathan A., 2017
Critical Heart Disease in Infants and Children
Ross M. Ungerleider, Kristen Nelson, David S Cooper, Jon Meliones, Jeffrey Jacobs, 2018
The education of noble girls in medieval France: Vincent of Beauvais and “De eruditione filiorum nobilium”
Jacobs-Pollez, Rebecca J., 2012
Modern Compiler Design
Grune, Dick;van Reeuwijk, Kees; E. Bal, Henry; Jacobs, Ceriel J.H.; Langendoen, Koen, 2012, 2014
Stateville: The Penitentiary in Mass Society
James B. Jacobs, 1978
Pioneers of genocide studies
Jacobs, Steven L.; Totten, Samuel, 2002
It's Not Always Depression
Hilary Jacobs Hendel, 2018
Equity Management: The Art and Science of Modern Quantitative Investing, Second Edition
Bruce Jacobs, Kenneth Levy, 2016
Principles of Veterinary Parasitology
Dennis Jacobs, Mark Fox, Lynda Gibbons, Carlos Hermosilla, 2015
Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management
F. Robert Jacobs, William Berry, David Clay Whybark, Thomas Vollmann, 2010