کتاب های Peter C. Uden (eds.)

A Terrible Thunder. The Story of the New Orleans Sniper
Peter Hernon, 2011
Anthropometry and Biomechanics: Theory and Application
John McLester, Peter St. Pierre, 1982
Cicero in Letters: Epistolary Relations of the Late Republic
Peter White, 2010
Cities: The Very Best of Fantasy Comes to Town
China Mieville, Michael Moorcock, Paul Di Filippo, Geoff Ryman, Peter Crowther, 2004
Drug Discovery for Schizophrenia
Tatiana V Lipina, Tatiana V Lipina, John C Roder, David Thurston, Ana Martinez, Albert Wong, Peter Gebicke-Haerter, Raul Gainetdinov, Amy Ramsey, Urs Meyer, John Waddington, Inna Gaisler-Salomon, Nick Brandon, Bernard LeFoll, Fang Liu, Dennis Kaetzel, Martin Beaulieu, 2015
Drug Discovery for Schizophrenia
Tatiana V Lipina, Tatiana V Lipina, John C Roder, David Thurston, Ana Martinez, Albert Wong, Peter Gebicke-Haerter, Raul Gainetdinov, Amy Ramsey, Urs Meyer, John Waddington, Inna Gaisler-Salomon, Nick Brandon, Bernard LeFoll, Fang Liu, Dennis Kaetzel, Martin Beaulieu, 2015
Alles um Liebe?: Zur Position Goethes im modernen Liebesdiskurs
Hans-Peter Schwander (auth.), 1997
Ents of Fangorn (Middle Earth Role Playing MERP #3500)
Randell E. Doty, Coleman Charlton, Peter C. Fenlon, Angus McBride, 1987
Fact and Fancy in International Economic Relations. An Essay on International Monetary Reform
Thomas Balogh and Peter Balacs (Auth.), 1973
Current Advances in Selenium Research and Applications Volume 1
Peter F. Surai, Jules A. Taylor-Pickard, 2008
Handbook of Chalcogen Chemistry: New Perspectives in Sulfur, Selenium and Tellurium
Francesco Devillanova, Wolf-Walther Du Mont, M A Beckett, Concha Gimeno, Ionel Haiduc, Massimiliano Arca, Vito Lippolis, Gaetano Verani, G Jeremy Rawson, Hisashi Fujihara, Mamoru Koketsu, Lianhui Wang, Norihiro Tokitoh, Waro Nakanishi, Hidetake Seino, Thomas Wirth, Tristram Chivers, Wen Jun Zhang, Toshio Shimizu, Ingo Krossing, William S Sheldrick, Robert Davies, Valentine Nenajdenko, Peter Skabara, Max N Sokolov, Zhengtao Xu, Mathias S Wickleder, 2013
Cobalt Blues: The Story of Leonard Grimmett, the Man Behind the First Cobalt-60 Unit in the United States
Peter R. Almond (auth.), 2013
Fanuc CNC Custom Macros
Peter Smid, 2005
Flights of Fancy: Birds in Myth, Legend and Superstition
Peter Tate, 2007
Flights of Fancy: Birds in Myth, Legend and Superstition
Peter Tate, 2007
Fantasy and Reality in History
Peter Loewenberg, 1995
Gaslight Grimoire: Fantastic Tales of Sherlock Holmes
Barbara Hambly, Kim Newman, Barbara Roden, Bob Madison, Christopher Sequeira, Chris Roberson, Peter Calamai, 2008
Georgics (Oxford World's Classics)
Virgil, Peter Fallon, Elaine Fantham, 2006
Culture Shock! Saudi Arabia: A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette
Peter North, Harvey Tripp, 2009
CultureShock! Saudi Arabia. A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette
Peter North,Harvey Tripp, 2013
Oxford Textbook of Critical Care
Andrew J. Webb, Marc J. Shapiro, Mervyn Singer, Peter M. Suter, 1999
The Routledge handbook of terrorism research
Alex Peter Schmid, 2011
Introduction to Fats and Oils Technology
Richard D. O’Brien, Walter E. Farr, Peter J. Wan, 2000
Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications, Eighth World Congress, Volume I (Econometric Society Monographs)
Mathias Dewatripont, Lars Peter Hansen, Stephen J. Turnovsky, 2003