کتاب های Peter Collins

Guida del Dungeon Master
Peter Adkison, Richard Baker, Andy Collins, Monte Cook, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Jonathan Tweet, Skip Williams, 2003
The Clause in English: In Honour of Rodney Huddleston
Prof. Peter Collins, David Lee (Eds.), 1999
Comparative Studies in Australian and New Zealand English: Grammar and beyond (Varieties of English Around the World General Series)
Pam Peters, Peter Collins, Adam Smith, 2009
What Is Addiction?
Don Ross, Harold Kincaid, David Spurrett, Peter Collins, 2010
Locating the Field: Space, Place and Context in Anthropology
Peter Collins, Simon Coleman, 2007
Cleft and Pseudo-Cleft Constructions in English (Theoretical Linguistics)
Peter C Collins, 1991
Monosaccharides Their Chemistry and Their Roles in Natural Products
Peter M. Collins, 1995
Monosaccharides: Their Chemistry and Their Roles in Natural Products
Peter M. Collins, 1995
Challenges and Opportunities for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines
Peter L. Collins, 2013
Grammatical Change in English World-Wide
Peter Collins, 2015
Dictionary of Carbohydrates
Peter M. Collins, 2006
Dictionary of Carbohydrates
Peter M. Collins, 2005
Dictionary of Carbohydrates
Peter M. Collins (auth.), 1998
Differential and integral equations
Peter Collins, 2006
Differential and Integral Equations
Peter Collins, 2006
Differential and Integral Equations
Peter Collins, 2006
Differential and Integral Equations (Oxford Handbooks)
Peter Collins, 2006
Differential and Integral Equations (Oxford Handbooks)
Peter Collins, 2006
Gambling and the Public Interest
Peter Collins, 2003
Locating the Field: Space, Place and Context in Anthropology (ASA Monographs)
Peter Collins, 2007
Modals and quasi-modals in English
Peter Collins, 2009
Religion, identity and change : perspectives on global transformations
Coleman, Simon; Collins, Peter Jeffrey, 2017
The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done
Peter F. Drucker, Jim Collins, 2017