کتاب های Peter Day

St. Augustine & Peter Brown & Michael Foley & F. J. Sheed [Augustine, St. & Brown, Peter & Foley, Michael & Sheed, F. J.], 2011
SOAP for Neurology
Frank Lin; Peter S Uzelac; Peter S. Uzelac, 2005
Happy Orchid : Help it Flower, Watch it Flourish
Anderson, Peter; Bull, Peter; Rittershausen, Sara, 2019
Making love in the twelfth century : letters of two lovers in context
Abaelard, Peter; Abelard, Peter /.; Héloïse; Héloïse, Héloïse / approximately; Newman, Barbara, 2016
Making love in the twelfth century : letters of two lovers in context
Abaelard, Peter; Abelard, Peter /.; Héloïse; Héloïse, Héloïse / approximately; Newman, Barbara, 2016
Confucianisms for a Changing World Cultural Order
Roger T. Ames; Peter D. Hershock; Wonsuk Chang; Bernhard Feuhrer; Heisook Kim; Chun-Chieh Huang; Chen Lai; Seung-Hwan Lee; Takahiro Nakajima; Nam Nguyen; Michael Nylan; Kizo Ogura; Winnie Sung; Sor-Hoon Tan; Peter Wong; Genyou Wu; Xianglong Zhang; Lin Loh Shi, 2017
Summa of The Summa
Kreeft, Peter [Kreeft, Peter], 2011
Cost-Effective Energy Efficient Building Retrofitting: Materials, Technologies, Optimization and Case Studies
Fernando Pacheco-Torgal, Claes Goeran Granqvist, Bjørn Peter Jelle, Giuseppe Peter Vanoli, Nicola Bianco, Jarek Kurnitski, 2017
Clinical tuberculosis: a practical handbook
Peter D.O. Davies, Peter J. Barnes, Stephen B. Gordon, 2016
Grading landscapingSMART. 3D-Machine Control Systems. Stormwater Management
Peter Petschek; Jessica Read; Peter Walker, 2014
Scientific Discovery In The Social Sciences
Mark Addis, Peter C. R. Lane, Peter D Sozou, Fernand Gobet, 2019
Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques and Applications in Python
Galit Shmueli; Peter C. Bruce; Peter Gedeck; Nitin R. Patel, 2020
Teaching Atlas of Abdominal Imaging
Mukesh G. Harisinghani; Peter Mueller; Alejandro M. Heffess; Peter R. Mueller, 2008
Do Llamas Fall in Love?: 33 Perplexing Philosophy Puzzles
Peter Cave [Cave, Peter], 2010
Nonlinear Dispersive Partial Differential Equations and Inverse Scattering
Peter D. Miller, Peter A. Perry, Jean-Claude Saut, Catherine Sulem, 2019
The Routledge Companion to the Crusades
Peter Lock; Peter (University of Leeds Lock, UK), 2006
Leipzig 1813: The Battle of the Nations
Peter Hofschröer; Peter Hofschršer, 2012
Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python
Peter Bruce; Andrew Bruce; Peter Gedeck, 2020
Traumatic Brain Injury: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Peter C. Whitfield (editor), Jessie Welbourne (editor), Elfyn Thomas (editor), Fiona Summers (editor), Maggie Whyte (editor), Peter J. Hutchinson (editor), 2020
Practical Statistics for Data Scientists: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python
Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce, Peter Gedeck, 2020
Handbook of Mentalizing in Mental Health Practice
Peter Fonagy, Peter (editor), Ph.D. Fonagy (editor), 2019
Help your kids with music : a unique step-by-step visual guide
Susan Sturrock; Peter Nickol; Carol Vorderman; Ann Marie Stanley; Laura Sandford; (Music journalist) Peter Quantrill; Claire Langford, 2019
Motion Graphics
Crook, Ian; Crook, Ian; Beare, Peter; Beare, Peter, 2017
Year one of the Russian revolution
Victor Serge; Peter Sedgwick (editor); Peter Sedgwick, 2015