کتاب های Peter De Mey (editor)

Revisiting Henderson poverty, social security and basic income
Peter Saunders (editor), 2019
Evil and the Concept of God
Edward H. Madden, Peter H. Hare, Marvin Farber (editor), 1968
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (Penguin Classics)
Jacob Burckhardt, Peter Murray (editor), 1990
Na to Hoa Aroha, from Your Dear Friend
Sir Apirana Ngata (editor); Apirana Ngata; Peter Buck, 2011
Peter Roth (editor), Euripides, 2014
Hilfe für Juden in München: Annemarie und Rudolf Cohen und die Quäker 1938–1941
Peter Zahn (editor), 2013
Towards the conquest of self-determination. 50 Years since the Barbados Declaration
Alberto Chirif (Editor), Alberto Chirif, Esteban Mosonyi, Georg Grünberg, Stefano Varese, Miguel Bartolomé, Scott Robinson, Víctor Bonilla, Natalio Hernández, Aída Hernández, Patricia Torres, Alicia Barabas, Pedro García, Zulema Lehm, Kantuta Lara, João Pacheco de Oliveira, Richard Chase Smith, Rodrigo Villagra, Thomas Moore, Silvel Elías, Frederica Barclay, Søren Hvalkof, Jens Dahl, Alejando Parellada, René Fuerst, Espen Wæhle, Peter Aaby (Authors), 2021
Historicorum Romanorum reliquiae: Vol. II. Cum.add.
Hermannus Peter (editor), 1993
Hilfe für Juden in München: Annemarie und Rudolf Cohen und die Quäker 1938–1941
Peter Zahn (editor), 2013
Homilien zum Hexateuch in Rufins Übersetzung. Teil 1: Die Homilien zu Genesis
Peter Habermehl (editor), Origenes, 2012
Peter Roth (editor), Euripides, 2014
Capitalism’s Transcendental Time Machine
Anna Greenspan, Peter Heft (editor), 2023
Historicorum Romanorum reliquiae: Vol. I. Cum. add.
Hermannus Peter (editor), 1993
Historische Sprachwissenschaft: Erkenntnisinteressen, Grundlagenprobleme, Desiderate
Péter Maitz (editor), 2012
The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Quotations (Oxford Quick Reference)
Peter Kemp (editor), 2004
Autonomy and Solidarity: Interviews With Jurgen Habermas (Revised edition)
Peter Dews (Editor), 1992
Adam Smith Reviewed
Peter Jones, Andrew S. Skinner (editor), 1992
Polen September 1939 – Juli 1941
Klaus-Peter Friedrich (editor), 2011
Emerson, Melville, James, Berryman: Great Shakespeareans Volume VIII
Peter Rawlings (editor), 2011
Victims of the Chilean Miracle: Workers and Neoliberalism in the Pinochet Era, 1973–2002
Peter Winn (editor), 2004
A Century of Development in Taiwan: From Colony to Modern State
Peter C.Y. Chow (editor), 2022
Exploring Picard's Galaxy: Essays on Star Trek: The Next Generation
Peter W. Lee (editor), 2018