کتاب های Peter Ginn

Saudi Arabia Today: An Introduction to the Richest Oil Power
Peter Hobday (auth.), 1978
11th International Conference on High-Energy Accelerators: Geneva, Switzerland, July 7–11, 1980
J. B. Adams, M. Peter (auth.), W. S. Newman (eds.), 1980
Angular Momentum Evolution of Young Stars
Peter Bodenheimer (auth.), S. Catalano, J. R. Stauffer (eds.), 1991
Angular momentum in quantum physics: theory and application
L. C. Biedenharn, James D. Louck, Peter A. Carruthers, 2009
Microgrids and Active Distribution Networks
S. Chowdhury, S.P. Chowdhury, Peter Crossley, 2009
Conflict, Peace and Development in the Caribbean
Jorge Rodríguez Beruff, J. Peter Figueroa, J. Edward Greene (eds.), 1991
Paths to a Green World: The Political Economy of the Global Environment
Jennifer Clapp, Peter Dauvergne, 2005
Paths to a Green World: The Political Economy of the Global Environment
Jennifer Clapp, Peter Dauvergne,, 2005
Basic Radio Journalism
Paul Chantler, Peter Stewart, 2003
Changing the News: The Forces Shaping Journalism in Uncertain Times
Wilson Lowrey, Peter J. Gade, 2011
Communication and Citizenship: Journalism and the Public Sphere (Communication and Society)
Peter Dahlgren, Colin Sparks, 1993
Charisma. Mehr Erfolg durch persönliche Ausstrahlung
Wolf W. Lasko, Peter Busch, 2006
Your Drug May Be Your Problem - How and Why to Stop taking Psychiatric Drugs
Peter R. Breggin, David Cohen, 2000
Your Drug May Be Your Problem: How And Why To Stop Taking Psychiatric Medications
Peter R. Breggin, David Cohen, 2000
Why I Am Not A Charismatic
Dr. Peter S. Ruckman
An Introduction to Acupuncture: A Practical Guide for GPs and other Medical Personnel
Peter Pearson MBBS, MRCGP, DRCOG (auth.), 1987
Attacking soccer : mastering the modern game
Peter Schreiner; Norbert Elgert, 2013
Dutch soccer secrets : playing and coaching philosophy--coaching, tactics, technique
Peter Hyballa; Hans-Dieter te Poel, 2012
Small Talk Und Karriere Unternehmerischer Erfolg Durch Exzellente Kontakte
Wolf. W. Lasko / Peter Busch, 2006
Dutch soccer secrets: playing and coaching philosophy--coaching, tactics, technique
Peter Hyballa; Hans-Dieter te Poel, 2012
German Soccer Passing Drills : More than 100 Drills from the Pros
Hyballa, Peter; Poel, Hans-Dieter te, 2015
RoboCup 2007: Robot Soccer World Cup XI
Mazda Ahmadi, Peter Stone (auth.), Ubbo Visser, Fernando Ribeiro, Takeshi Ohashi, Frank Dellaert (eds.), 2008