کتاب های Peter H. Sand (auth.)

Case Studies in Insomnia
Arthur J. Spielman, Paul B. Glovinsky (auth.), Peter J. Hauri Ph. D. (eds.), 1991
EEG -Überwachung des Intensivpatienten
Prof. Dr. med. Ina Pichlmayr, Dr. med. Peter Lehmkuhl (auth.), 1988
EEG Atlas for Anesthesiologists
Professor Dr. Ina Pichlmayr, Dr. Peter Lehmkuhl, Dr. Ulrich Lips (auth.), 1987
Complex Engineering Service Systems: Concepts and Research
Irene Ng, Glenn Parry, Duncan McFarlane, Paul Tasker (auth.), Irene Ng, Glenn Parry, Peter Wild, Duncan McFarlane, Paul Tasker (eds.), 2011
Complex Engineering Service Systems: Concepts and Research
Irene Ng, Glenn Parry, Duncan McFarlane, Paul Tasker (auth.), Irene Ng, Glenn Parry, Peter Wild, Duncan McFarlane, Paul Tasker (eds.), 2011
Constrained Optimization and Optimal Control for Partial Differential Equations
Eberhard Bänsch, Peter Benner (auth.), Günter Leugering, Sebastian Engell, Andreas Griewank, Michael Hinze, Rolf Rannacher, Volker Schulz, Michael Ulbrich, Stefan Ulbrich (eds.), 2012
Constrained optimization and optimal control for partial differential equations
Eberhard Bänsch, Peter Benner (auth.), Günter Leugering, Sebastian Engell, Andreas Griewank, Michael Hinze, Rolf Rannacher, Volker Schulz, Michael Ulbrich, Stefan Ulbrich (eds.), 2012
Active Labor Market Policies in Europe: Performance and Perspectives
Dr. Jochen Kluve, David Card, Michael Fertig, Marek Góra, Lena Jacobi, Peter Jensen, Reelika Leetmaa, Leonhard Nima, Eleonora Patacchini, Sandra Schaffner, Christoph M. Schmidt, Bas van der Klaauw, Andrea Weber (auth.), 2007
Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 9th International Symposium, SSTD 2005, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, August 22-24, 2005. Proceedings
Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Petra Linhart (auth.), Claudia Bauzer Medeiros, Max J. Egenhofer, Elisa Bertino (eds.), 2005
Dynamic Policies of the Firm: An Optimal Control Approach
Dr. Onno van Hilten, Dr. Peter M. Kort, Professor Dr. Paul J. J. M. van Loon (auth.), 1993
Applied General Equilibrium
Peter B. Dixon, Mark Horridge, David T. Johnson (auth.), Professor Dr. John Piggott, Professor Dr. John Whalley (eds.), 1991
Reasoning Web. Semantic Technologies for the Web of Data: 7th International Summer School 2011, Galway, Ireland, August 23-27, 2011, Tutorial Lectures
Sören Auer, Jens Lehmann (auth.), Axel Polleres, Claudia d’Amato, Marcelo Arenas, Siegfried Handschuh, Paula Kroner, Sascha Ossowski, Peter Patel-Schneider (eds.), 2011
Reasoning Web. Semantic Technologies for the Web of Data: 7th International Summer School 2011, Galway, Ireland, August 23-27, 2011, Tutorial Lectures
Sören Auer, Jens Lehmann (auth.), Axel Polleres, Claudia d’Amato, Marcelo Arenas, Siegfried Handschuh, Paula Kroner, Sascha Ossowski, Peter Patel-Schneider (eds.), 2011
Condensed Handbook of Occupational Dermatology
T. L. Diepgen, P. J. Coenraads (auth.), Prof. Lasse Kanerva M.D., Ph.D., Prof. Dr. med. Peter Elsner, Prof. Jan E. Wahlberg M.D., Ph.D., Prof. Howard I. Maibach M.D. (eds.), 2004
Contact & Occupational Dermatology
James G. Marks, Jr., MD, Peter Elsner, MD, and Vincent A. Deleo, MD (Auth.), 2002
Dermatopharmacology of Topical Preparations: A Product Development-Oriented Approach
Howard I Maibach (auth.), Dr. Bernard Gabard, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Christian Surber, Univ.-Professor Dr. med. Peter Elsner, Dr. Pierre Treffel (eds.), 2000
Kanerva's Occupational Dermatology
Prof. Thomas Rustemeyer, Prof. Dr. med. Manigé Fartasch (auth.), Thomas Rustemeyer, Peter Elsner, Swen-Malte John, Howard I. Maibach (eds.), 2012
Limit Theorems in Probability, Statistics and Number Theory: In Honor of Friedrich Götze
Willem R. van Zwet (auth.), Peter Eichelsbacher, Guido Elsner, Holger Kösters, Matthias Löwe, Franz Merkl, Silke Rolles (eds.), 2013
Management of Positive Patch Test Reactions
Torkel Fischer (auth.), Jan E. Wahlberg, Peter Elsner, Lasse Kanerva, Howard I. Maibach (eds.), 2003
Quality of Service — IWQoS 2003: 11th International Workshop Berkeley, CA, USA, June 2–4, 2003 Proceedings
Dinan Gunawardena, Peter Key, Laurent Massoulié (auth.), Kevin Jeffay, Ion Stoica, Klaus Wehrle (eds.), 2003
Göttinger Risiko-, Inzidenz- und Prävalenzstudie (GRIPS): Entwicklung einer diagnostischen Strategie zur Früherkennung und präventiven Behandlung Koronargefährdeter 5-Jahres-Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Inzidenzstudie
Dr. med. Peter Cremer, Dr. rer. nat. Dorothea Nagel, Dr. med. Barbara Labrot, Rainer Muche, Dr. med. Harald Elster, Horst Mann, Prof. Dr. med. Dietrich Seidel (auth.), 1991
Hämoblastosen Zentrale Motorik Iatrogene Schäden Myositiden
K. Hausmann (auth.), Prof. Dr. Dieter Seitz, Dr. Peter Vogel (eds.), 1983
Particle Induced Electron Emission II
D. Hasselkamp (auth.), Dr. Dietmar Hasselkamp, Dr. Hermann Rothard, Professor Dr. Karl-Ontjes Groeneveld, Dr. Jürgen Kemmler, Dr. Peter Varga, Professor Dr. Hannspeter Winter (eds.), 1992
Particle Induced Electron Emission II
D. Hasselkamp (auth.), Dr. Dietmar Hasselkamp, Dr. Hermann Rothard, Professor Dr. Karl-Ontjes Groeneveld, Dr. Jürgen Kemmler, Dr. Peter Varga, Professor Dr. Hannspeter Winter (eds.), 1992