کتاب های Peter Hick

Handbook of Vibrational Spectroscopy
John Chalmers, Peter Griffiths, 2002
Bulk Crystal Growth of Electronic, Optical and Optoelectronic Materials
Peter Capper, 2005
Coherent semiconductor optics: from basic concepts to nanostructure applications
Torsten Meier, Peter Thomas, Stephan W. Koch, 2007
Coherent semiconductor optics: from basic concepts to nanostructure applications
Torsten Meier, Peter Thomas, Stephan W. Koch, 2007
Lie Methods in Optics II: Proceedings of the Second Workshop Held at Cocoyoc, Mexico July 19–22, 1988
Peter W. Hawkes (auth.), Kurt Bernardo Wolf (eds.), 1989
Liquid Phase Epitaxy of Electronic, Optical and Optoelectronic Materials
Peter Capper, Michael Mauk, 2007
Atmospheric and biological environmental monitoring
Ulrich Platt, Klaus-Peter Heue, Denis Pöhler (auth.), Prof.Dr. Young J. Kim, Prof.Dr. Ulrich Platt, Dr. Man Bock Gu, Dr. Hitoshi Iwahashi (eds.), 2009
Chemistry of the Natural Atmosphere
Peter Warneck (Eds.), 1988
The Urban Atmosphere & Its Effects
Robert L. Maynard, Peter Brimblecombe
Molecular Quantum Mechanics, 4th Edition
Peter Atkins Ronald Friedman, 2005
A Quantum Murder (Mindstar)
Peter F. Hamilton, 1998
Activated barrier crossing
Graham R. Fleming, Graham R. Fleming, Peter Hanggi, 1994
Bosonization of interacting fermions in arbitrary dimensions
Peter Kopietz, 1997
Bosonization of Interacting Fermions in Arbitrary Dimensions
Peter Kopietz (auth.), 1997
Crystal Structure Analysis
Alexander J Blake, Jacqueline M Cole, John S O Evans, Peter Main, Simon Parsons, David J Watkin, William Clegg, 2009
Einfuehrung in die Festkoerperphysik
Konrad Kopitzki, Peter Herzog, 1993
Etching of III-V semiconductors: an electrochemical approach
Peter H.L. Notten, Jan E.A.M. Meerakker, John J. Kelly., 1991
Gravitational Lensing: Strong, Weak and Micro: Saas-Fee Advanced Course 33 (Saas-Fee Advanced Courses)
Peter Schneider, Christopher Kochanek, Joachim Wambsganss, 2006
Introduction to 2-spinors in general relativity
Peter O'Donnell, 2003
Introduction to the Theory of Relativity
Peter G. Bergmann, Physics, 1976
Against the Gods: The Remarkable Story of Risk
Peter L. Bernstein, 1998
Cycling and Society (Transport and Society)
Dave Horton, Paul Rosen and Peter Cox, 2007
Dangerous Weapons: Anti-Sicilians: Dazzle Your Opponents!
John Emms, Richard Palliser, Peter Wells, 2009