کتاب های Peter Hyun

Advances in Identity Theory and Research
Peter J. Burke (auth.), Peter J. Burke, Timothy J. Owens, Richard T. Serpe, Peggy A. Thoits (eds.), 2003
Advanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems: 11th International Conference, ACIVS 2009, Bordeaux, France, September 28–October 2, 2009. Proceedings
Chrysi Papalazarou, Peter M. J. Rongen, Peter H. N. de With (auth.), Jacques Blanc-Talon, Wilfried Philips, Dan Popescu, Paul Scheunders (eds.), 2009
Circulating Nucleic Acids in Plasma and Serum: Proceedings of the 6th international conference on circulating nucleic acids in plasma and serum held on 9-11 November 2009 in Hong Kong.
Peter B. Gahan (auth.), Peter B. Gahan (eds.), 2011
Belowground Responses to Rising Atmospheric CO2: Implications for Plants, Soil Biota, and Ecosystem Processes: Proceedings of a workshop held at the University of Michigan Biological Station, Pellston, Michigan, USA, May 29–June 2, 1993
Peter S. Curtis, Elizabeth G. O’Neill, James A. Teeri, Donald R. Zak, Kurt S. Pregitzer (auth.), Peter S. Curtis, Elizabeth G. O’Neill, James A. Teeri, D. R. Zak, K. S. Pregitzer (eds.), 1995
RoboCup 2000: Robot Soccer World Cup IV
Peter Stone, Minoru Asada, Tucker Balch, Masahiro Fujita, Gerhard Kraetzschmar (auth.), Peter Stone, Tucker Balch, Gerhard Kraetzschmar (eds.), 2001
Clostridium difficile: Methods and Protocols
Adam P. Roberts, Peter Mullany (auth.), Peter Mullany, Adam P. Roberts (eds.), 2010
Animal Models of Dementia
Peter Paul De Deyn, Debby Van Dam (auth.), Peter Paul De Deyn, Debby Van Dam (eds.), 2011
Desert Peoples: Archaeological Perspectives
Peter Veth, Mike Smith, Peter Hiscock, 2005
A Century in Mathematics in America
Peter Duren, Peter L. Duren, 1991
A Century of mathematics in America
Peter Duren, Peter Duren, 1989
A Century of Mathematics in America
Peter Duren, Peter Duren, 1989
A century of mathematics in America.
Peter Duren, Peter Duren, 1989
Tensor Product Model Transformation in Polytopic Model-Based Control
Péter Baranyi, Yeung Yam, Péter Várlaki, 2013
Advances in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology: 5th Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics, BSB 2010, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 31-September 3, 2010. Proceedings
Peter F. Stadler (auth.), Carlos E. Ferreira, Satoru Miyano, Peter F. Stadler (eds.), 2010
Abduction and Induction: Essays on their Relation and Integration
Peter A. Flach, Antonis C. Kakas (auth.), Peter A. Flach, Antonis C. Kakas (eds.), 2000
Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy (Cambridge Cancer Series)
Peter L. Stern, Peter C. L. Beverley, Miles Carroll, 2000
Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy (Cambridge Cancer Series)
Peter L. Stern, Peter C. L. Beverley, Miles Carroll, 2000
AIDS: Responses, Interventions and Care: Responses, Interventions & Care (Social Aspects of Aids Series)
Peter Aggleton, Peter Davies, Graham Hart, 1991
Benjamin Now: Critical Encounters with The Arcades Project (Boundary)
Tom Gunning, Howard Eiland, Henry Sussman, Lindsay Waters, Peter Fenves, Claudia Brodsky Lacour, Peter Wollon, Michael Jennings, Samuel Weber, T.J.Clark, 2003
Cosmology: the origin and evolution of cosmic structure
Prof Peter Coles, Francesco Lucchin, F. Lucchin, Peter Coles, 2002
Advances in Tourism Economics: New Developments
Álvaro Matias, Peter Nijkamp, Manuela Sarmento (auth.), Álvaro Matias, Peter Nijkamp, Manuela Sarmento (eds.), 2009
Advances in Tourism Economics: New Developments
Álvaro Matias, Peter Nijkamp, Manuela Sarmento (auth.), Álvaro Matias, Peter Nijkamp, Manuela Sarmento (eds.), 2009
Environmental Tracers in Subsurface Hydrology
Peter G. Cook, John-Karl Böhlke (auth.), Peter G. Cook, Andrew L. Herczeg (eds.), 2000