کتاب های Peter K. Vogt (editor)

La situazione della classe operaia in Inghilterra
Friedrich Engels, Enrico Donaggio (editor), Peter Kammerer (editor), 2021
Famous Figures and Diagrams in Economics
Mark Blaug (editor), Peter Lloyd (editor), 2010
Performing Nordic Heritage: Everyday Practices and Institutional Culture
Peter Aronsson (editor), Lizette Gradén (editor), 2013
Epistemic Entitlement
Peter J. Graham(editor), Nikolaj J. L. L. Pedersen (editor), 2020
The Blanqui Reader
Louis Auguste Blanqui, Peter Hallward (editor), Philippe Le Goff (editor), 2018
Swords and Covenants: Essays in Honour of the Centennial of the Royal Military College of Canada 1876–1976
Adrian Preston (editor), Peter Dennis (editor), 2021
The Oxford Movement: Europe and the Wider World 1830–1930
Stewart J. Brown (editor), Peter B. Nockles (editor), 2012
Over the Horizon Proliferation Threats
James Wirtz (editor), Peter Lavoy (editor), 2012
Documents sur le régime des terres dans la Principauté de Morée au 14. siècle
Jean Longnon (editor); Peter Topping (editor), 1969
The Oxford Handbook of Language and Law
Peter M. Tiersma (editor), Lawrence M. Solan (editor), 2012
Deutschbuch 03: 7. Schuljahr. Schülerbuch. Realschule Baden-Württemberg
Annette Brosi, Carmen Collini, Dorothea Fogt, Agnes Fulde, Andreas Glas, Peter Heil, Tanja Katharina Seidelmann, Ina Trog, Christa Becker-Binder (editor), Christian Weißenburger (editor), 2014
Deutschbuch 1: 5. Schuljahr. Schülerbuch Realschule Baden-Württemberg
Sylvia Birner, Annette Brosi, Carmen Collini, Steffen Dinter, Dorothea Fogt, Agnes Fulde, Andreas Glas, Angelika von Hochmeister, Bettina Hofmann, Marianne Kuhn, Isabelle Kunst, Monika Mohr-Mühleisen, Peter Seiler, Yvonne Streb, Ina Trog, Christian Weißenburger, Christa Becker-Binder (editor), Bernd Schurf (editor), 2012
A Companion to Chivalry
Robert W. Jones (editor), Peter Coss (editor), 2019
Salud, vulnerabilidades, desigualdades
Roxana Barrantes (editor); Peter Busse (editor), 2014
T&T Clark Handbook to Early Christian Meals in the Greco-Roman World
Soham Al-Suadi (editor), Peter-Ben Smit (editor), 2019
Transnational advocacy networks : twenty years of evolving theory and practice
Peter B. Evans (editor); César A. Rodríguez Garavito (editor), 2018
Handbook of Cultural Studies and Education
Peter Pericles Trifonas (editor), Susan Jagger (editor), 2018
Thomas Jefferson, the Classical World, and Early America
Peter S. Onuf (editor), Nicholas P. Cole (editor), 2011
A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names. Volume I: The Aegean islands, Cyprus, Cyrenaica
Elaine Matthews (editor); Peter Marshall Fraser (editor), 1987
A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Volume IIIA: The Peloponnese, Western Greece, Sicily and Magna Graecia
Elaine Matthews (editor); Peter Marshall Fraser (editor), 2001
A Lexicon of Greek Personal Names, Volume IIIB: Central Greece, from the Megarid to Thessaly
Elaine Matthews (editor); Peter Marshall Fraser (editor), 2000
Philosophies of Place: An Intercultural Conversation
Peter D. Hershock (editor), Roger T. Ames (editor), 2019
Raf Simons: Redux
Francesco Bonami (editor), Peter De Potter (editor), 2005
Legal Aspects of EU Energy Regulation
Peter Cameron (editor), Raphael Heffron (editor), 2016